Hello, raper

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Izuka needing to go to the bathroom, started to walk away from the recreational activities. The activities would be going on for another hour or so to give the kids who failed a chance to show off to the watching hero and other visitors.

She walked into the hallways and after a few minutes, she found the bathroom. Quickly, she did her business and walked back out. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and Izuka felt a feeling of dread wash over her. Stomach twisting, she nervously started walking a bit quicker, unsure why she felt scared.

She was safe now, wasn't she? This wasn't like back at Aldera where that teacher had been. Then from around a corner in front of her a familiar male appeared. With shoulder length blonde hair and yellow snake like eyes, he appeared making Izuka to be scared badly. The man who featured in her nightmares. The one who made her last year of middle school hell.

"Finally. I have been looking all over for you, Midoriya." The english teacher said, stepping forwards step by step. Izuka stumbled backwards, eyes wide in horror.

"I should have just taken you before you started attending this stupid school, I should have realized that the heroes would figure it out. Now I have them following me." The man grinned, forked tongue flickering out.

"Of course, if they are going to get me, I'm going to make sure they won't be able to save you." She felt like she was going to be sick, she needed to get away. To flee, but her body didn't seem to be responding to her and she was locked into place.

Scream. She had to scream, if she could get some sort of shout out then someone would help her. But her throat was locked up and no sound would come out. Nashido-sensei chuckled as he stepped closer.

"Look at you, still the same pathetic self, you can't even fight me, can you? And you want to be a hero? How can a gutless weakling like you be a hero, when you can't even talk?" Shakily she managed to move back a few more steps, legs feeling like lead with each step he took. Her vision blurred and she could barely see.

"Tch, such a crybaby," Nashido's tongue flickered out again.

"But really your obvious fear just makes this all the more enjoyable really." Izuka froze as a hand gripped her chin and she was forced to stare at Nashido's face.

"But you want to know what makes this better? This isn't to raise your grade, this is just because I want to see you suffer." Nashido hissed before cold lips were pressed against her and Izuka cried silently, unable to move or do anything as Nashido forced his tongue into Izuka's mouth. Present Mic hummed lightly after turning the mic off.

"Hey Sho, can you cover me for a little bit?" Aizawa sighed.

"Do I have to?"

"Well, I may have forgotten to use the loo." Present Mic said laughing a bit as he rubbed the back of his neck, giving it a bit of breath as his speakers had been sitting on his neck for awhile.

"Be quick, I'd rather not be announcing for long." Aizawa grumbled glaring at the mic.

"Thanks, Sho." Present Mic said as he got up and exited out of the room making his way through the hall's, he found that the closer bathroom was out of order with a note with a scrawled sorry in Cementoss's handwriting. With a sigh, he made his way through the halls to one of the more public restrooms.

He turned the corner and his eyes widened in horror as he saw a blonde haired figure standing above Izuka, mouth pressed against Izuka's and fucking Izuka harshly as he saw white stuff dripping out of her each time the man moves making him to be sick to his stomach as he then saw the man stopping as he cumms inside of her making him to not stand it anymore really.

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