Chapter 1 {Rota Arc}

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Reminder all the pov was 3rd Pov


One day at Kanto after a big crisis at Galar, Ash and Goh was sleeping after a whole night talk about their encounter with Zacian and Zamazenta and more about their experiences at Galar crisis.

Sun already rises high and Pikachu is trying to wake up his trainer and his friends but never works in a normal way, so only one way to wake up both of them.

Pikachu: pika-CHU!!!! (wake UP!!!!!)

Boys: AAaAaaAaA!!!!!!! [shocked]

Goh: [face became black] ouch, Pikachu you no need to shock us hard like that. [still feel the pain]

Ash: sorry buddy [realizing there's no alarm sound] Goh you forgot to set the alarm last night?

Goh: really? [notice it] sorry about that, now let's hurry we gonna be late for our breakfast.

Both Ash and Goh get prepared in hurry and going breakfast and then going to feed their Pokemon at Cerise park.

Once both finishes feeding their pokemon, they head up to the professor's room to wait for some assignments.

But what they got was unexpected news for both of them.

Prof. Cerise: so boys after the day when Galar is in crisis and you two help Leon to save it, you got a week's break starting tomorrow.

Ash : [feel excited] awesome! Pikachu we going to use this break to practice with everyone for World Coronation.

Pikachu: pika pika! (yes of course!)

Goh: but what should we do for this week instead of only practice? [in his thinking pose]

Ren: maybe this one will be good for your break.

Boys: what is it?

Chrysa: in two days there's a festival called "Hero of the Year" at the Rota Kingdom, probably will take a few hours to get there by car.

Prof. Cerise: also at Rota kingdom there has a fascinating legend tale that is related to Mew.

Goh: legend tale that is related to Mew!? [sparkles eyes] can we go to that festival Professor?!

Prof. Cerise: I see why not, we can go around tomorrow morning at 8 AM.

Goh: yes! Mew, wait for me!!! [run to Cerise park]

Ash: Goh wait up! [run after Goh]

Pikachu: pikachu! (don't leave me!)

As the boys found out they gonna go to the festival at Rota kingdom, they also start to prepare everything for a week there.

Meanwhile, at the Rota Kingdom, there's a teenager was looking at the sky while petting a Pikachu and Espeon in her lap under a tree.

??? : I wonder what are you doing now brother after we decide to stop school we rarely send messages to each other. It same for you guys too, I wonder what you all doing now.

Pikachu : pi? pika? (Ara? What's wrong?)

Ara: don't worry Akemi, I just miss them all after we separated for these six months, and about the news that Galar is in crisis, I have a feeling Ash and probably his new companion did it for sure. [still petting Pikachu and Espeon]

Akemi : chu~~ (I hope you are right)

Espeon : spe~ (let's hope that)

Ara: [thought] I really wish we can meet again like at school. I hope he is also fine out there.

• time skip to tomorrow morning at Professor Cerise's Lab •

The time already shows 7.45 AM, and both boys already so prepare to go to the Rota Kingdom for a week there.

Prof. Cerise: looks like you boys really excited about this.

Goh: it is, after all from my research last night, at the Kingdom, there was a tale that really related to Mew, so I want to find out if that tale is true or not.

Ash : I also want to go too right, buddy?

Pikachu : pika!! (yes it is!!)

Prof. Cerise : well then boys, Ren be careful out there.

Ren : no problem, Ash, Goh, Pikachu now hop on.

Boys : Rota Kingdom, let's Go!!

Pikachu : pika pika! (let's go!)

Ash : [though] I hope we can be together again at Rota like before sister, and it will be nice if our cousin was there too.

Little the boys knew, there's will be more than enjoying the festival at Rota soon.

A few hours passed and they finally arrived at the Rota Kingdom, a lot of people came from outside the kingdom to attend and participate in the festival.

Ren : alright we here boys.

Ash : finally Rota Kingdom!

Pikachu : pika pi!! (we are finally here!!)

Goh : time to observe the tale that is related to Mew!!

Ren : Alright then I'm gonna head back, you guys be careful around here.

Goh : don't worry Ren, we gonna be fine.

Ash : yeah just tell the professor that we are all fine.

Ren : then see you in one week, bye. [and drove the car away]

Boys : bye, thanks for the ride! [wave to Ren]

Goh : hey Ash, should we go and watch what this place has?

Ash : of course, right Pikachu?

Pikachu : pika pi! (yes!)

The boys and Pikachu go around the Rota Kingdom to see the preparation for the festival "Hero of the Year" tomorrow.

As the journey continues...


Haih, so much only for the first chapter

And I want to thanks to someone that remind me with this book, i really forgot that i start to up (i seriously though this still in drafts)

When I write the OC description it took two days to complete it

Oh yeah, I forgot one more thing, to differentiate between Ash and Ara Pikachu, some of Ara's pokemon have their nickname

I hope the reader-san like my story since I'm write this more than 1 year (almost 2)

Jaa bye-bye 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

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