Chapter 7 {Rota Arc}

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Few hours on the way and finally back in the afternoon, both boys rush to head to the professor's lab and greeting with professor Cerise, Chrysa, and Chloe.

Boys : professor, we're back!

Prof Cerise : welcome back boys, how was your vacation?

Goh : so great, I found some theory that the tale is true!

Prof Cerise : sound good Goh, and you Ash?

Ash : we won the festival competition and meet my sister again.

Ara : [finally arrive at the lab] it would be me, sorry for interruptions, I'm Ara, Ash's older sister. And my partner Akemi.

Akemi : pikachu! (hello)

Prof Cerise : well hello Ara, so what's bring you to come with Ash?

Goh : you see professor, she's gonna be fellow research like us together. Thought Ash the one who invite her.

Ash : well why not, she can join right professor?

Prof Cerise : of course, it will so great since you all know each other.

Ash : yes! Sister can stay!

Pikachu's : pika! (together again!)

Chloe : but where she gonna stay though?

Chrysa : no worries, we have another room for her.

Ara : it will be nice thank you.

So Chrysa leads Ara to her new room, right next door with the boys. As she finally unload her thing she comes to Cerise park where she hears from Ash and Goh when still at Rota kingdom.

Ara : [enter the park] wow it's pretty nice actually. [saw boys training in pokemon battle] hey guys! [approach them]

Ash : [notice her] ah Ara, so you are done with your thing?

Ara : yes and this park is nice too.

Goh : well I guess it's time to show you all my pokemon here. Now let's start our tour! [Turned around and start to explaining]

Ara : [whisper to Ash] is he always like this?

Ash [respond in a whisper] not really, I guess he just wanna impress you.

As the Siblings whisper to each other, Goh on the other hand to focuses on explaining the pokemon that he catches. And lucky for siblings he doesn't know that Ara not focus on his explanation.

For few minutes tour all the park, it's Ara turn to show her rest pokemon to Goh.

Ara : now folks come out [trow her pokeball's]

Espeon : spe (greeting)

Voel : rio (hello)

Ash : you guys too, come out [also trow his pokeball's]

Dragonite : draa

Gengar : gengar

Lucario : rawr

Farfetch'd (G) : come on!

Goh : I never know you have Espeon Ara.

Ara : well i catch Espeon when still an Eevee when I on my journey.

And the three trainers enjoy their time with their Pokemon on that park. Ara also show Goh how Revue it is as Ash going train after it.

Day already almost for dinner time. Three trainer's head back to get dinner together as Ara just want to call her pokemon back but Ash tell her that they will be fine in that park.

So with no think, she just needs to tell her pokemon that she will be back and head to the boys for dinner. And the dinner was more modded with some story from their vacation and also their encounter while at Rota kingdom.

Night time came, the trio had a little talk about Ketchum's aura ability and promised to keep it secret except they need to.

As the journey continues...


Haik... So I just gonna say this chapter was freak short than other

Well still busy with the real thing so don't have more idea for this one

But don't worry the story still going on and I will try to write as much as i can

Of course as interesting as possible too

Jaa bye bye 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋 👋

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