Chapter 29

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Aki was tired, to say the least. Maybe not physically, but mentally. He wasn't sure what to make of their leave. It seemed almost cold, to him. He understood though, they had to leave. 

Even Nami seemed distraught by them leaving. Even though she responded with 'we didn't get the reward money,' Aki new that she was just finding excuses to feel sad.

Finally after riding those fast ducks in the desert for a while, they made it to the ship that Bon-clay was guarding. They had gotten a call on the den-den mushi and when Sanji picked it up, Mr. 2's voice rang through the room.

Aki didn't know why Bon-clay would agree to assisting them considering they were enemies only a few days ago, but he didn't voice his complaint. 

"Why did you make me wait so long!?" Bon-clay was standing on the railing, his usual outfit adorning his body. "Long time no see! You all are thinking about me?!"

"How can one person be this loud?" Aki mumbled to himself. He'd gotten used to Luffy's yelling and Sanji and Zoro shouting at each other, but he really didn't want to hear shouting in the dead of the night.

"Oh here we are!"

"You can take off the luggage, thanks for the help" The ducks quacked in response. Aki got off of his own duck and rubbed the underside of it's bill.

"This is as far as we need to go, thank you. Be safe on your way back.

"Goodbye! If we're destined to, we'll meet again!" Bon-clay suddenly shouted. Aki rubbed his temples and sighed, not feeling as collected as normal.

Sanji and Luffy look over to Bon-clay who was no screaming about something and stomping his foot on the railing. When Bon-clay realized Luffy was staring at him he stopped stomping and instead pouted.

"What's this? Old friends meeting and you don't say hi?!"

"Who's your friend? You'r an enemy." Luffy responded, awfully calm for such a man-child.

 "WAAAAH! That time was my mistake!" Zoro picked up a barrel and held it on his shoulders. He began to step up the stairs, but paused when he was in front of Bon-clay.

"Move." Was all the swordsman said to get Bon-clay to shut up and scoot to the side. 

"Hmph, whatever that's in the past!" Aaaand he's back to yelling. Aki picked up a crate, rested it on his shoulder and walked up the steps too. He'd find any excuse to leave the current situation.

He wasn't feeling himself at the moment. And it was concerning himself.

When he passed Bon-clay, the man stared at him intently. Aki had to stop walking and look back since the burning stare was beginning to make him nervous.

The two locked eyes, or at least Bon-clay stared at Aki's closed ones, and the okama grinned. Aki opened his eyes and stared back. He really just wanted some tea, some place to sleep, and maybe a book or something.

He smiled back before continuing on his way. 

Aki realized he hadn't really explored the ship. At least not it's interior. He walked around and mentally mapped out the ship. It wasn't big so it didn't take long, but for some reason, when he came back up on deck, Bon-clay and Luffy and Chopper and Usopp were all doing some ridiculous dance.

He didn't question it. Knowing who he was now working under, he couldn't question it. He'd have to get used to this chaos. He'd already told himself that several times but he felt that they only got more chaotic as time went by.

He was about to walk forward into the moonlight, but an arm that appeared from behind him grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him back into the storage room, which caused his body to twist around and face whoever had dragged him.

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