Chapter 8

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you know the drill I own nothing but my guy. Enjoy! This one's shorter.

A loud boom sounded from the direction that the trio had disappeared to. There they see a tower falling hitting the ground with a loud crash, kicking up clouds of dirt.

"I can't let him get away with this." she continued, crying. The moss head stood amused as he watched the three men walk over to the group, radiating anger. Akimitsu sighed and shook his head at their actions.

"Vivi let's get going okay? I'm itching to do this now!" Luffy said, cracking his knuckles.

"He's right, let's go to Yuba." Said Nami as she sent a comforting smile to Vivi

"That is where the rebel army is right?"

"Yes. I have to persuade them."

"How so?" asked Zoro, voicing Aki's thoughts,

"I'll tell the rebel leader the truth. That all of this is Crocodiles doing and have him stop all of this pointless bloodshed." She said, regaining her confidence. Aki smiled and hummed.

Zoro nodded "All right then, let's go." he ordered.

The group left the dead city and continued on, in the dry hot desert. Each person holds anger and determination to complete this task. Aki silently giggled to himself as he watched this group walk. He walked over to Chopper and pet his head, noticing his tense state, receiving a surprised gasp, but quickly quieted down.

>----Time Skip----<

Not even twenty minutes later Luffy was already complaining.

"Ughhh! It's so hot. I'm burning up. I don't think I can sweat anymore!" he said, his tongue laying limp outside of his mouth. He had a walking stick that he used as a support unit to help him drag his feet along the hot sand. It surprised Aki how much he was sweating. Since he had his devil fruit, and snakes are cold blooded and could take hot temperatures he never felt too hot before and knowing Luffy it was most likely an over exaggeration but still.

"Stop with the melodramatics and shut up. You're only gonna end up wasting more energy." Nami practically yelled as she fanned herself with her hand. Aki was beginning to feel bad for this group, well even more than he already had. It sort of reminded him of another group that he had been with in the past. I hope they're all doing alright. I wonder what they're up to. He shook his head pushing those thoughts aside, earning a confused glance from Ace. He just waved his hand, dismissing his concern.

"Ughhhh! Aki help meee~" Luffy complained, grabbing onto the fabric of Aki's cloak, shaking it lightly. It irked Ace, he was about to raise his fist and bonk his little brother on the head when the 20 year old said calmly to Luffy,

"Just hang on a little longer. I can't exactly fight the sun, but if you walk in my shadow it should help a bit." Luffy perked up at this and slid behind the tall man.

"I can't go on!" came another voice that belonged to the doctor. The poor reindeer had to be pulled on a makeshift sled by the swordsman, "I can't take the heat but I can take cold temperatures."

"It's because of all that fur. Why don't you take off your stupid reindeer costume already?" Usopp groaned, also dragging his feet,

"Oh yea-" began Chopper who quickly realized what the sniper was saying and grew a tick mark on his head. He jumped up and turned large, "what did you say to me, big nose?!" He yelled at Usopp, waving his arms around, "Don't make fun of reindeer!" Usopp screamed and threw his arms into the air,


"Chopper don't turn big or I won't pull you." the swordsman said looking back at the two of them bicker

"Who are you calling a monster you long nosed freak?"

"You better stop saying that or I'll have to get mean!"
Zoro jumped at Chopper, hitting him on the head "Turn small!"

"Hey the desert doesn't seem to affect either of you." Sanji said, glancing at Vivi and Aki.

"Well I was born and raised in this country so I guess you could say I'm used to it. What about you Aki? You have visited before."

"Yes I have but that's not the reason why. I'm.... part snake sorta so I have the ability to be cold blooded which allows me to stay cool in hot places, though it doesn't go great in cold climates."

"So you can survive in deserts. That's not fair!" yelled Usopp. Aki simply giggled and shrugged, "and what's with these hills?! I was expecting the desert to be more flat!"

"Ughhhh!" came a whine

"This is a very old desert, some of the sand dunes are over 900 feet. High."

"Over 900?! That's a mountain." he complained, mimicking Luffy's appearance; tongue limp out of mouth, dragging feet, limp arms at the sides.

"So hot... water." moaned Luffy who had drifted away from Aki's shadow

"Just one drink Luffy, just one mouthful." Nami warned. Luffy, being Luffy, swelled his cheeks, looking an awful lot like a chipmunk, and drank more. Nami and Usopp smacked their fists on the back of his head as they glared at him,

"You drank too much!"

"Idiot! Save some for me!"

"Hold on you just had some! I'm next." Sanji yelled, joining into the fight that quickly broke out.

"Stop it guys, you're going to wear yourselves out if you keep that up." Vivi warned,

"You can have some of my water if you want. I don't really need it as much as you guys do." Aki offered, the fighting quickly diminished and Sanji, Nami, and Usopp quickly stood in front of the silver haired pirate waiting until they each got a drink. He looked over to where Luffy was to offer him some only to sweat drop and the beaten and bloodied body of his captain, who was limping along.

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