Chapter 41

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Aki felt.. not useless, simply unneeded. The whole crew seemed tight and each member seemed to click like some puzzle piece. And Aki just didn't feel he fit that quota. 

Sure, maybe he broke up fights and sang the crew to sleep on sleepless nights, and sure maybe he taught Sanji new recipes and helped Zoro train, told anecdotes to Robin and helped Nami pick out her outfits. 

Taught Chopper all he knew and listened to Usopp's ridiculous stories (all of which he knew were false). But he felt almost outcasted at moments like these.

Moments where the crew fought for someone else's sake. (Don't get him wrong, he too felt enraged at Usopp's current state, but still...)

Aki swung his sheathed sword into the face of a Franky family member and watched as the other four charged on viscously.

It wasn't a bad feeling per se--feeling like a spectator instead of a player. It was entertaining to watch the crew go about their day without his interruption. To see how they normally act without each other, as 7.

He didn't mind being left out, he just hoped that if he was ever needed he would be approached. 

Besides, it's not like the crew ever got into any serious fights. Ones that could damage the foundation of their family.

(oh how wrong he was)

That anxiety was coming back and it churned and flipped as he carried Usopp back to the Merry, following the rest.

Aki assisted Chopper in nursing Usopp back to health, ignoring the anxiety. Working with an accomplishable, and small, goal was an easy way to take his mind off of the feeling.

Aki blinked when he realized he hadn't seen Robin in a while. He bushed the thought off and instead smiled at Usopp who began to open his eyes.

Aki left the room and looked down upon the four others who were lounging about the main deck.

"Everyone" he began, causing everyone to look up at him, "Usopp is awake."

"Really?! That's great!" Luffy cheered. Sanji muttered something that nobody seemed to hear, but Aki's keen ears caught (""

"Why hasn't Robin-chan come back yet...?")

"Hey! Usopp!" Luffy shouted excitedly as he launched himself onto the railings of the upper deck. 

Aki sighed to himself as he watched Luffy enter the room. He had to wonder how Usopp would take the news of leaving the Going Merry behind.

And there it was. That anxiety again.

"I'm sorry everyone!" Usopp shouted as he latched onto Zoro's leg, "I lost our money!"

"Hey--calm down--oi!" Zoro tried shaking Usopp off.

"We worked so hard to get that money and I just gave it all away like that!" Usopp continued.

"Usopp please, you need to rest." Aki said, gingerly removing Usopp from Zoro.

"So in the end, we still don't have it." Usopp said solemnly as Luffy and the others finished explaining how things came to where they were.

"We don't know yet." Luffy said, grinning from the table he sat atop. "We're waiting for Franky to come back. Even if he doesn't, we still have 100 million. Don't worry about it!"

"You're lucky that you're still alive." Sanji added on.

"Yes, your life is far more precious than a silly 200 million." Aki said.

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