Chapter 6

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I own nothing! I made the haiku tho, hope you like it!

"Here's to Fire Fist Ace! " Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy cheered as they raised their mugs into the air.

"Wait! Who said I was joining your crew?!" Ace yelled. Akimitsu laughed at this as he sat down beside Ace, drinking his own sake.

"Don't worry, you can't take anything they say seriously when they're like this, they get all goofy when they drink." said Nami who sat on the other side of Ace. Akimitsu nodded as he finished his sake.

"Are you sure you don't wanna join us?! It'll be fun!" Luffy whined as he looked over at Ace.

"I can't right now. I'm chasing someone. A pirate named Blackbeard." Ace said

"Blackbeard?" Akimitsu echoed in curiosity. Ace nodded.

"We've heard of him. He's the one that attacked Drum Kingdom." Vivi said as she stared at Ace.

"Didn't Blackbeard used to be in the 2nd division of the Whitebeard pirates?" Akimitsu asked taking out his fan and fanning himself and Chopper who had fallen asleep on his lap.

"Yeah, he was one of my own men. But he committed one of the most unforgivable sins a pirate could. He killed one of his nakama and jumped ship. As commander of his division, it's my responsibility to take care of him." Ace growled as he gripped his cup tighter.

"That's why you're after him." Usopp muttered.

"I came here because I heard that Black beard was seen in Alabasta in a place called Yuba, so that's where I'm headed." Ace said, smiling.

"Isn't that our destination?" Nami asked Vivi who pulled out a map,

"Exactly, we just entered the Sandora River and we'll take it to Erumalu where we'll dock and go on foot until we get to Yuba." Vivi explained tracing her finger along the map outlining the path they were going to take, "the leader of the rebel army is here. That's where we're going."

"You don't say" Ace hummed. He looked over at Akimitsu who was looking at the map deep in thought. He looked back over to the crew, "mind if I tag along?"

"Nami-swan, Vivi-chwan, I'll follow you anywhere just tell me where to go!!" Sanji said as his body wiggled strangely and his eyes turned to hearts.

"I hope it's off a cliff." Said Zoro


"Cut it out you two! Well it looks like you'll be with us for a while Ace" Said Nami. The man nodded and watched as Akimitsu continued working on his calligraphy.

"We're really happy to have you on board!" Usopp cheered while Luffy laughed,

"This is going to be fun! To Ace!" Everybody clinked their cups together as they said in unison,

"Cheers!" Everyone downed their alcohol. Akimitsu finished his calligraphy and smiled as he held it up. It was a haiku;

Summer sun shining

River water glistening

Dew drops fall from grass

"Wow." came a voice to the right of Akimitsu. He looked up and saw Ace looking at the work. The rest of the crew also looked at it. Some didn't understand while others were impressed.

"Are you a Samurai or something?" asked Zoro,

"I was when I was younger. Alas I am retired now. As you saw back on my island I work at a restaurant. Though now I'm a pirate." Akimitsu responded, "the old owner of The Light of The Sea, was a Samurai and taught me everything he knew."

'Could it be... no.... That's impossible.' thought Zoro.

"We're finally here!!" Luffy yelled, interrupting the conversation between swordsmen. Everyone saw that the Merry was sailing towards a cove. The Strawhats ran around gathering supplies. Akimitsu packed up his things and went into his room to take out his katana and a small pack with some supplies.

"Wow! So we're going into the desert! Do you know how hot it's supposed to get?" Chopper asked as he slid down the ship onto the sand.

"Over 100 degrees in the day I think." Akimitsu said as he pulled on a white cloak. One of his own that he designed. It had wave patterns at the tips and a diamond piece that connects the left side of the fabric to the right. He took out a green apple and began to eat it.

"Please tell me you're joking!" the doctor cried as he looked at the closed eyed man who was smiling down at him. He handed the doctor a slice of apple that he cut off with a small knife the silver haired man brought just in case.

"I'm afraid not. But don't worry you're strong so you should be fine, right?" the doctor nodded and smiled as he munched on the apple slice.

"AH! Nami-swan what happened, where's your dancer outfit?!!" Sanji yelled as his eyes bulged out of their sockets. The women were covering themselves with cloaks.

"Yuba here we come!" before they even began to walk through the hot and dry desert small shadows appeared in the water. Many small creatures began to jump out of the river and onto a rock. They were small seals with turtle shells. Akimitsu felt a faint blush dust across his cheeks as he saw them. He cooed softly and walked over to one of the dugongs. It purred back to him and waved his flipper in greeting.

"Turtles?" asked Zoro

"No, I think they're seals." Said Luffy

"Kung Fu Dugongs!" Vivi said as she stared at one of the creatures. The dugong let out a small cry as it raised its fin and curled it like a fist.

"If you want to come ashore, you'll have to beat me first, but I doubt that will happen, you bunch of cowards! He says." translated Chopper. Akimitsu saw Usopp smirk as he stepped forward and onto the rail,

"Nobody calls me a coward and gets away with it!" he jumped off the ship and at the dugong that said that, "here comes pain!" He was beaten by it though. He groaned in pain as he fell to the ground beaten and bloody. Akimitsu stifled his laughter as the sniper whined. He leaned on the railing more taking out his fan and fanned the second division commander who was standing beside him. He simply chuckled at this.

"Kung Fu Dugongs are really strong." Vivi explained. The little dugongs raised their arms in victory.

"They're not so tough." Luffy said. He had jumped ship and beaten the group of seal turtles. Suddenly it sprung up and the rest gathered around him.

"They think you're their master now!" The princess yelled. She sighed before she turned to talk to the seamster, "um... Akimitsu......?" he was sitting on the rock and surrounded by some dugongs. He was smiling widely as he cooed and pet the little dugongs that purred. He treated them like they were kids and they seemed to be completely fine with that.

'An... angel!' the crew thought as they watched the silver haired man laugh as he played with the little seal turtle... animals. Ace smiled at the scene.

"Alright!! We're all set! Let's go to Yuba!" Luffy yelled. He gripped his bags straps and smiled.

"Wait a minute! They're not coming with us!" the moss head's eyebrow twitched as he grew annoyed.

"Luffy! We're not going to bring them!" Nami scolded,

"They are water creatures." pointed out Akimitsu,

"Yeah they won't make it." said Vivi as she watched Akimitsu continue to pet the dugongs. He tried to get up and leave but they followed him. Chopper sniffed through bags and pulled out a large chunk of meat.

"Here! You guys can have this but only if you stay here!" he said as the dugongs swarmed him. Akimitsu laughed as he watched the doctor be lifted into the air.

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