Chapter 5

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I own nothing except my oc. EnJoY 

"What's that? I smell something strange..."

"There's a restaurant over there" Akimitsu pointed to a restaurant,

".... OVER THERE! A RESTAURANT!! Gum gum...:" Luffy released Akimitsu the latter piggybacked Luffy not wanting to fall off and die, "...ROCKET!" Luffy launches into a restaurant and knocks a couple guys over in the process. He sat down at a stool as Akimitsu got off of him, sitting down beside him, noticing the hole in the wall. "WOOHOO!! FINALLY A RESTAURANT! I'M STARVING!! Gimme some food, mister!" The man sweat dropped,

"I'll have some sake too while you're at it." Akimitsu added,

"Ummm... you might.... Want to run for it, kid."

"Lu...Hey LUF-" someone said,

"STRAWHAAAAT!!" came another voice. A man with grey hair and eyes was standing before the two of them, he had a marine coat and a weapon strapped to his back, "so you did come to this country after all..." Luffy continued to eat and Akimitsu just watched while he sipped his sake. "Can't YOU STOP EATING FOR ONE SECOND?!" the marine yelled

"TR DF SMF GY!! WHAM RM NUU DON EER?!!" while Luffy yelled he was spraying food all over the marines face.

"That smoke guy?" Akimitsu asked,

"You little piece of sh-"

"MMN BFFH MNN!! MNNF DDNNR PFF!" Akimitsu tossed a gold coin down for Luffy as he sped away after stuffing his face with the food on the table. The Smoke guy went running after him.

"WAIT UP, LUFFY ITS ME!!" said a freckled boy with an orange hat. He noticed the man sitting next to the spot Luffy once was. When their eyes met, or at least Ace met the closed ones and he couldn't help but think 'damn. He's hot.', Akimitsu smiled and said,

"I know where he's headed so I can join you if you want."

"Thanks!" Akimitsu grabbed his arm, the action made Ace blush, and sped off in the direction that Luffy had taken off in. He scaled a building and then released Ace as the two of them leapt from rooftop to rooftop, Akimitsus wooden geta making a clack sound every time he landed,

"So what's your name beautiful?" Ace asked,

"Quite forward are we?" Akimitsu pulled out a fan and covered his lips with it, "My name is Higashi Akimitsu. Pleasure to meet you. What's your name?"

"Portgas D. Ace."

"'D'? Interesting."

"So what are you doing with Luffy?"

"He's my captain, you?"

"He's my little brother!"

"Haha. So who's that guy who was chasing after Luffy-kun?"

"Oh that's Colonel Smoker from the marines." At this Akimitsu closed his fan and put it back into his black kimono.

"I knew he was a marine but... wow.. He must be a trouble magnet, seriously"

"Hahaha! I know right!"

"Oh look there he is." the two of them stopped and watched as Luffy was being chased by many marines. The two of them jumped in between Luffy and the marines.

"So it's you. I wasn't expecting the two of you to team up." said Smoker,

"Looks can be deceiving." Akimitsu said, smiling and dusting off the dirt from the landing.

"I'm fire and you're smoke so we're evenly matched. Plus there's Akimitsu. I dunno what he does but it's probably somethin' cool!"

"I'm an ex-assassin."


"Huh, who's that? A- Ace?" Luffy yelled, still running, "and Aki?"

"You haven't changed at all, have you, Luffy?" Ace said, turning slightly to look at the captain. He continued to run with his crew.

"So let's see... I have 34. How many do you have?" Akimitsu said, pulling out his fan and smiling.

"Ah... darn, I've got 31. I guess you win."

"Hahaha! I guess I do." The two of them were fighting the marines that were surrounding them. Akimitsu hadn't taken out his katana and instead just used his fan thinking that it wasn't necessary to take out his sword for this fight.

>----Time Skip----<

"Yeah, I got my ass handed to me! Hahahaha! But I can kick his butt now" Luffy boasted to his friends. Akimitsu gracefully landed on the railing beside him,

"Is that so?"

"Who's butt... is getting kicked?" Ace landed behind Luffy making him fall on the ground and look up at Ace and Akimitsu who were smiling at him, one crouched and one standing. Akimitsu stepped off the railing and folded his fan, putting it away.

"Where did you come from?!" yelled Usopp to Ace,

"ACE!!" Luffy yelled in excitement,

"Sup. oh but first I should say thanks for taking care of my little brother. I know he can be quite troublesome."

"Oh no, not at all" the crew said in unison,

"Oh come on, be honest. This is Luffy we're talking about! Isn't he a bit much to handle at times?"

"Not at all" they said again

"You're good people." Ace said, smiling at the crew.

"Sit down and relax, I bet you have a lot of catching up to do. I can make some tea." Sanji said as he put a cigarette to his lips.

"That's thoughtful, but I don't want to impose" Ace said before lifting his finger. The tip of Sanji's cigarette burst to life. Akimitsu went to the back room to entertain himself with calligraphy, something samurai often do to keep a clear mind. He brought it out so he wouldn't be alone. Ace smirked at this seeing him begin.

"He's not what I expected."

"I'll say."

"He's polite, helpful, and gracious. The polar opposite of Luffy."

"One of them only cares about stuffing his face, while the other cares about his brother, there's no way these two could be brothers"

"I wish i had a wonderful brother like that"

"I wish I had a captain like that."

"SANJI! He's kidding" Vivi said nervously

"Told ya they were interesting" The boat sailed across the water smoothly but was soon face to face with several baroque works ships. Akimitsu could hear the voices of several of the sailors but paid no mind.

"Those are Billions ships!" Vivi panicked.

"Leave it to me, I'll handle it." Ace said before he jumped down onto a small boat that he had used to get to their ship. Akimitsu smiled but still didn't look up.

"Will he be alright on his own?" asked Nami to Usopp who didn't have an answer

"They don't make anyone a second division commander so I think he'll be fine." Akimitsu hummed in agreement at the swordsman statement. Ace used his devil fruit powers to power the ship making it go fast. He suddenly jumped off of it sending it under the water. He jumped over all the Billions ships landing on his little boat on the other side of them. He bent his knees getting ready to attack.

"FIRE FIST!" He yelled and shot a massive stream of fire towards the fleet of ships. It tore the ships to shreds. He smirked at the looks of shock from the Strawhat pirates minus Akimitsu who just nodded.

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