Chapter 17

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I- the video up above has absolutely nothing to do with this chapter I just- someone sent it to me and I thought you- you should see... it... don't ask

"That JERK!" Nami yelled

"Damn... even if we get out of this cage we'd have to deal with those reptiles" pointed out Zoro,

"Jeez Zoro we can't get out cuz he ate the key dummy." Lufy said

"I kNOW THAt!" Zoro yelled back. Aki just stared at him

"He has a poi-"

"I knOW!"

"Well then. We're going to take our leave now." said Croco boii, "also this room will automatically destroy itself in one hour. I have no use for Baroque works' secret base anymore. Water will flood into this room and turn it into part of the Rainbase lake. One million innocent civilians..." Aki stopped listening as Croco boi went back into another monologue.


Aki had been called in by Fleet Admiral Sengoku for some business. Aki wasn't exactly an ally of the marines since he killed them as well as pirates, but the world government would hire him every so often to take care of some 'pesky pirate' or whatever.

When Aki entered the room he was met by a few other people that were clearly strong, considering they were four of the Shichibukai; Boa Hancock, Bartholomew Kuma, Gecko Moria, and Hawkeye Mihawk. The only other person within the room was Sengoku himself. When the door behind Aki closed, all attention was drawn to him. Though several strong willed people were staring right into his soul Aki couldn't feel more at home.

"Aki~!" exclaimed Moria, though Aki ignored him since he was the one Shichibukai that Aki detested. Instead he opted to sit beside Mihawk, "are you ignoring me?!"

"It's only logical. You are a pest." said Mihawk,


"Yes you could never be as ✨beautiful✨ as me, but then again... nobody could. Well except maybe Aki since he's pretty cute." Hancock said as she made her way to Aki and pinched his cheeks.

"Plsh shtop Hancoh." He said while trying to pull her wrists away from his face. Sengoku sighed and began to eat his chips as he waited for the other Shichibukai to arrive.

A few minutes later and an angry Crocodile and clearly amused Doflamingo arrived through the doors.

About ten minutes later and Jinbe walked in through the doors.

"Finally. Now we can begin the meeting." said Sengoku

Time Skip

After the meeting everyone began to go their separate ways but Aki decided to Join Doffy and tease Croco boii. Again. This was a routine. Either Doffy or Akir would tease the literal shit out of Croco boii. He could deal with one of them but both of them was impossible so he just opted to try ignoring them but that would work because Aki's cute face is really hard to look away from- anyway. Doffy and Aki had this sort of relationship, it wasn't exactly the two pranksters it was more like the leech and a wall, where Doffy would constantly try to court Aki but Aki would always shut down Doffy. Not like it ever stopped him though.


When Aki came out of his thoughts he noticed that water was beginning to come in through a hole in the ground and there was a giant ass bananadale

"What the fu-"

"Yeah while you were off in Lala land this happened!" Smoker yelled,

"Uh- what exactly is 'this' wait where's Vivi?"

"She went off to find Sanji." said Nami, voice laced with fear

"Hmm. okay. Well I guess we'll just have to wait and hope that they make it back before all of us drown."



"Ho w c AN YoU b E SO C aL M ABo uT tHI s?!" Usopp's distressed voice sounded above the crashing of water against the bars and walls. Aki simply smiled at him and said,

"It is what it is."
"ANTI MANNER KICK COURSE!" Came a familiar voice as the bananadale that was previously slamming itself against the cage, was kicked up into the air. It landed on the floor belly up. Everyone looked surprised. Even Zoro.

"Oh look it's your boyfriend." said Aki to Zoro. This irked Zoro and he reached for one of his swords,

"Hey. Were you waiting?" Sanji asked as he pointed to the cage, cigarette in hand

"PRINCE~!" Came a collective cry

"Stop SCrewIn around and find the KEY!" Zoro yelled

"Oh thank goodness." Nami mumbled

"Nami~Swaaan d... do you love me?"

"Yes yes I love you now open the door"


"His eternal stupidity knows no bounds."
"Like you're one to talk Mr. No sense of direction." Zoro again reached for one of his katanas,

"Vivi good job!" Luffy gave her a thumbs up which was reciprocated. More banandales piled into the room and all began growling at Sanji,

"Go Sanji! Kill them all!" that out of context would sound really bad

"Wow look at all of them. Bring on as many as you want, you goddamn bananas. I have to knock all the table manners I know into assholes that would harm a lady"

"We don't have time for that Sanji! Kill them all in a second! Kill them all in an instant!" cried Usopp. again. Thank you context

"Get the third one that just entered the room." Smoker said

"What?! How can you tell?"asked Luffy,

"Are those ears just for decoration?!" Smoker snapped back at him

"The growl is the same as the one that ate the key." Aki said quietly to himself, though it was heard by everyone.


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