Chapter 25

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"What? Find the shooter, how the heck am I supposed to do that?" Usopp asked confused.

"No time to think, we've got 10 minutes."

"Since the diameter of the blast is about 50km or so, the enemy should be about 2.5km away." Another voice sounded. Aki placed his hand on the hilt of his katana and glanced around the terrain. He could clearly sense where they are, green and black aura's glowed off in the distance. 

"No! The shooter could be very near" pointed out Vivi. Usopps eyes widened, surprised, though Aki couldn't find out why. Sure the idea of a shooter being close by was unbelievable, to an extent, but this was a warlord we're talking about. He'd have to find some people who were not only willing to follow him, but people with actually skill. Either thanks to their devil fruits or just talent.

"Crocodile is that sort of person" Nami agreed

"Killing his own buddies" Chopper continued. Though Vivi didn't say anything, the pained expression on her face said enough. Aki sighed and patted her on the head in a reassuring manner. Though it seemed to lift her spirits, her shoulders dropped, she was still tense.

"I want to eat that guy raw..." Sanji said glaring at nothing. Aki got what he was saying, but the way it was said made him concerned. I mean everyone can have their kinks but, cannibalism is... crossing the line.

"If you know the lets..." Zoro trailed off as he drew his sword to block an incoming attack from a Baroque Works Agent who had gone to attack Princess Vivi form behind. Sanji had also lifted his leg to block the incoming attack only to kick the man in the face.

When the man hit the floor the others noticed several other Baroque Works agents had surrounded the pirates. A few that were around Aki had actually made a half circle around him and were flirting their butts off to the silver haired male who simply stared at them blankly and pondered ways to kill them.

Sanji too seemed irked by their appearance beside Aki though he didn't get a chance to attack them since Aki himself incapacitated them in a couple seconds. Zoro and Sanji glanced at each other, muttered something to each other before going and fighting the agents, letting the others run away to find the bomb.

"we've got 10 minutes so we'd better hurry it up" Aki said. Vivi seemed to stress out more about it so he patted the girl on the head again, causing her to look up at the boy who only smiled down at her.

"I know what you're thinking, 'this country's not gonna make it' or something right? Don't worry, I might not know this particular group of people very well, and I only met them recently, but they seem promising. I don't think they're gonna let this Country fail so you should believe too." Vivi's eyes widened at his statement, but then shone with new fond determination. 

The group had come up with a plan to find the bomb, split up into twos and find it, good idea right? Sure, but Aki could find it within seconds.  He debated whether he should say something or not, and ultimately decided to speak up.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but I believe I have a solution." Everyone turned to him, confusion and desperation dancing behind every strong front. "I can find the bomb if would save trouble." The others smiled and sighed in relief, though Chopper seemed confused.

"How?" Aki smiled at the small reindeer

"I wish I could tell you now, but we've got limited time. When the sea is calm I shall spill my life story to you all since you are worthy of it." 

>----Time Skip----<

"there" he said pointing at the giant clock. A knowing look flashed across vivi's face as she punched her open palm

"Of course it would be here, it's very wide and you can see everywhere, it makes sense." She said, Usopp turned to her irked and started shouting at her about how she should've realized it earlier. Aki didn't blame her for anything, people could just be forgetful, it's normal.

When he heard a gun shot, Aki looked up to see the edges of the barrel of a weird looking gun, peeking out form behind the clock. His eyes narrowed at it, the green aura he'd seen earlier was sharper which clearly gave away the person's position. There was another one, Aki could sense him, but with all the background noise and Luffy's fight, it was harder to concentrate on more then one aura at a time that wasn't right in front of his face.

"But just knowing the location, you can't climb that high in a minute." Nami said, she had a point, but suddenly Sanji's presence flooded his senses and Aki looked up to see Sanji waving excitedly down at the male who waved back in a much calmer manner. 

"I originally planned for Pell to take me up there" Vivi said.

"Oi, who're you waving to?" Usopp asked Aki who pointed at Sanji, causing the others to look at the blond too. And a bit higher up Zoro's head appeared. Maybe the weren't screwed.

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