Chapter 9

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This ones even shorter only like 780 words. Enjoy!

The burning hot day slowly turned into a cold dark night with stars dancing along the inky black sky. The crew had halted at a group of rocks, and Sanji had set up a small fire and began to cook. Several tents had been set up as well.

"I'm so hungry!" Luffy groaned,

"Don't be such a greedy pig, it's still raw. DON'T EAT THAT?!" He smacked Luffy's hand away, reaching for a piece of uncooked meat, "Nami~swan your dinner will be ready in just a minute."

"Wow that looks good." came another voice,


"Jerk, we're starving, give us food!"

"What happened all of a sudden it's cold, just a few minutes ago it was boiling hot." Nami mumbled as she scooted closer to the fire, accompanied by the princess.

"It's because of the lack of clouds here. With nothing to act as insolation, it's scorching by day and freezing by night. The deserts are full of unpredictable dangers." Vivi said as Nami grumbled. She looked over to Akimitsu who was leaning against a rock, Chopper cradled in his arms as he mapped out the constellations as well as made his own. Zoro was sitting beside him being a blushing mess, which Aki took advantage of and teased him over, causing the swordsman to blush more.

"Lucky." the navigator whined, pouting slightly before turning back to the fire.

"Couldn't you see the stars back on your island?" Usopp asked as he squatted down beside the three people huddled together,

"The sky's of the winter island were mostly covered by snow clouds so I've never been able to see them before." Chopper said, looking at the stars in awe as Aki continued to show him constellations.

"I'm way too cold to enjoy the stars right now."

"The cold weather doesn't bother me!"

"That's because of your nice fur coat."


"Not my fault you're all soft and fluffy" Chopper, feeling threatened jumped off of Aki's lap and yelled at Usopp,

"Quit making fun of me!"


"Chopper don't turn big, we have to huddle for warmth," Zoro said, blushing as he felt Aki lean against him.

"Yahoo!!" Luffy cheered as he jumped onto Chopper, making him turn small and he fell back onto the close eyed man's lap. The ravenette also huddled close to the doctor and the calm man. "So warm"

"Come closer." Usopp complained,

"See isn't this nice?"

"Yeah" Chopper mumbled. The group slowly began to push each other away and start to scuffle before quickly falling asleep, leaving Akimitsu awake. He looked over to where Ace was and saw him staring out into the large ocean of sand. Akimitsu slipped out of the hold he was in, thanks to Luffy's very stretchy arms, and plopped himself beside the freckled man.

"Yo." he said to his new found company. Aki nodded to him in response. The two of them made small conversation about this and that, the occasional tease thrown both ways, some successful others not so much, until Ace began to grow tired. Aki carefully pulled his head down to rest on his lap. Ace hummed in acknowledgement as Aki threaded his fingers through the raven hair, massaging his scalp. Aki slowly began to drift off to sleep himself with the sound of the crackle of the fire and the sight of the white stars that littered the black canvas of a sky

Aki woke up before anyone else, and quietly yawned as he looked around, the fire was put out and the sun was just rising. He waited patiently and watched as each person woke up. Suddenly the wind began to pick up, this alerted Aki and Vivi, both seeming to have the same idea. The tents were opened as the wind harshly threw the fabric left and right, picking up more.

"Looks like the wind is picking up." Ace said, slowly getting to his feet and stretching.

"Yes thank you captain obvious." Aki mumbled under his breath but Ace caught it and threw him a charming grin. Aki watched as Vivi's expression slowly turned into one of realization and then into one of fear as she noticed the approaching sand.

"EVERYONE!" she yelled, "hide behind the rocks, quick!"

"How come?" Luffy asked

"A sandstorm is coming!" the princess said as she ran behind a boulder. Only a couple seconds later and the storm hit. The wind ripped the tents from their standing position, tossing them harshly. The boulders provide minimal cover. Aki simply stood his ground as he covered his face with a wide sleeved arm, sighing.

"I should have mentioned earlier, sandstorms are another of the deserts dangers!" Vivi over the thrashing tents and howl of the winds.

"You have to remember this stuff!" Usopp yelled before a massive wave of sand and wind came and buried them.

Also, I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna skip all of the Sky Island arc because I absolutely hate it so sorry if you wanted me to write it but I don't wanna~ ~( ̄▽ ̄)~* 

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