Chapter 13

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Very, very sick

A sick that makes you feel like you're swallowing shards of burning hot glass each time you swallow

A sick that makes you unable to stand

A pool of heat coming from the deep core of the vessel it resides in

A cold sweat dripping off, tauntingly unable to cool anything down at all

A sudden wave of nausea

Color disorientation

A sick that's so bad, you need help to do so many things yet your voice fails to reach anyone. Too weak

A cold that make you feel a burning hot the second it's gone

A hot that makes you want to die...

A sick... that made you want to sleep but the moment you close your eyes you feel like you might vomit causing you to grow tired

Aki didn't know what was going on, but he didn't like this. His cheeks were blushed in a bright pink shade. He felt so hot, he felt cold, and so cold he felt hot. Hot but cold. Hot but cold. Hot but cold. Something like this had happened before but it wasn't as intense. Aki felt himself wanting to sleep. His eyes felt like lead. His head felt ten times heavier than it actually was. He had to say something, but before he could even open his mouth, the world began to spin. His eyes slowly closed as he saw the pale sand come closer to his falling body.

Third P.O.V


The crew turned around and were shocked to see Akimitsu had fallen into the sand. Everyone immediately began to panic


"Is he okay?!"


"That's you!" Chopper walked over to Aki's limp body trying to hold back tears. This was the man who had grown so close to the little doctor in such a short period of time. This was the man that reminded the doctor of a mother. This was the man that had seemed so fine a couple moments ago and was now laying in the sand, unconscious. Everyone watched as Chopper and Usopp flipped him over and checked his forehead, quickly reeling back his paw and blowing on it,

"He has a serious fever. His forehead feels like it's on fire!" Nami and Vivi hopped down from eyelash and walked over to the group that had huddled around Akimitsu. Chopper quickly pressed his stethoscope to Aki's chest, pressing it around in different points. Everyone waited, holding their breath until the doctor spoke finally,

"His heart is beating. It's... very faint, but it's there. This could be from the heat but it seems like more than that-" Chopper was cut off when suddenly he felt something warm and wet on his paw. He lifted it from Aki's chest and saw that it was blood. Everyone else gasped. Chopper shakily looked at Aki's stomach and there was a pool of blood slowly dripping down onto the sand, staining it  a sickening brown,

"W-w-w- where did that c-come f-from?" Nami asked cowering behind Usopp who was to shocked to move or say anything. Chopper swiftly wiped away at the blood getting ready to dress a wound, only to notice that there was no wound,

"What in the world?" he whispered to himself, "there's no wound?! How did this happen? Where did the blood come from?" A groan was heard and everyone looked up to see Aki struggling to breath. He wasn't awake still. Chopper turned to Zoro who was trying to mask is fear, and was actually succeeding unlike his captain and several others,

"Zoro I need you to carry him. I'm going to bandage him up just in case he bleeds again." the swordsman nodded and joined the rest in watching Chopper wrap a white bandage around the seamster's stomach area. Zoro picked up the limp body and carried him piggyback.

What the hell? What's going on? First he passes out then he starts to bleed without a wound? Just what is he? That's not humanly possible... unless it wasn't even his blood... but who else would it have been? Nobody here is injured so how in the hell is he bleeding? Zoro's thoughts were quickly cut off when the group heard a familiar voice. The group turned and saw a strange purple lizard running in their direction with Ace riding it, and a cart filled to the brim with food being trailed behind it.

"Ace!" Luffy cheered, finally getting something to take his mind off of his passed out nakama. The group walked over to the stopped lizard and examined the food, pointing out more of the two brothers' differences. Ace's smile quickly vanished when he saw a messy head of hair leaning against the swordsman's shoulder,

"What happened to him?" he asked,

"Dunno. One second he's fine and the next he's passed out an' bleedin' all over the place." Zoro grunted. Ace put a thumb and pointer finger on his chin, deep in thought, though it was quickly broken when the princess spoke up.

Sorry 'bout the short chapter! Hope u like this one. Yes I made it short on purpose. Mwahahahaha~( *︾▽︾)

I'm not sorry

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