Chapter 11

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Aki was about to stand up but suddenly the ground began to rumble as sand was kicked up a small distance away. A quiet yell was also heard. Aki opened his eyes a little and realized it was Luffy, and a camel... Luffy on a camel?

"IT'S LUFFY!" Yelled Usopp

"Oh no, it can't be!" Vivi tripped over her words

"Why is he on a camel!?" Nami yelled,

"Someone want to tell me what the hell is chasing him?!" Sanji asked, also... yelling

"Looks like there's something in the sand burrowing after him," Zoro said as he rested his hand on the handle of one of his swords. Suddenly a massive purple head shot out from the sand. It had bright yellow eyes and cat slit pupils that were fixed on the running rubber boy. Aki wondered how someone could have such bad luck.

"A sandora dragon." he said calmly,

"A what?!" someone yelled

"A sandora dragon! They're the biggest reptile that lives in the desert. They wait underground for their prey and then ambush them! They have razor sharp fangs and claws but hardly use them since they're so big they usually end up swallowing their victims whole!" Vivi explained, voice wavering with fear,

"I gotta admit that boy has a talent for attracting trouble!" Ace said, leaning against a rock casually, sounding oddly proud.

"Right and we all have the scars to prove it." Sanji grumbled

"What kind of crap star was he born under to have luck like that?!" Zoro snapped. The two of them ran towards the lizard while the camel, with Luffy on top, ran towards them. Luffy hopped off of the camel and stood with the other two,

"Gum gum-"


"Épuale-" the three of them released their attacks at the same time, successfully knocking out, and probably killing the sandora dragon. Aki stood up from the rock he and Ace were standing on, confusing the latter. He walked a little ways away and then turned around. Ace was suddenly swallowed by a second sandora dragon. Then a tornado of fire burst out from the sandora dragon. Ace stepped out form the roasted beasts mouth,

"If you knew it was there why didn't you say anything?" he said

"I knew you could handle it." Aki answered simply patting Ace on the shoulder who just playfully glared at the silver haired man.

"Now that we have a minute, what's the deal with this camel?!" Zoro asked as he glared at the 'innocent' camel.

"I don't know. It was getting eaten by those mystery plants while I was chasing those birds." Luffy said with a mouth full of meat.

"It's obviously not a wild camel." Nami said

"No, not with the saddle and bridal." Vivi agreed. Chopper made his way to the camel and suddenly let out a small cry of joy,

"It is you!" He had a small laugh. The camel also let out small noises of recognition. Aki had to hold onto Ace's arm to not launch himself at the camel. He loved all animals and was weak to ones that were either super cute or did something cute. Ace chuckled at Aki which caused the latter to blush in embarrassment.

"So you know each other?" Luffy asked

"Yeah he gave me a lift when I escaped from Katorea!"

"He's a passenger carrying camel? That's gonna make things easier." Usopp stated smiling.

"Yeah, that's going to be a real help. Looks like he can only carry two though." Sanji said

"Camels go hand in hand with deserts." Zoro added

"Great! I'll take the first shift" Luffy cheered as he attempted to climb onto the camel but the camel bit him.

"Ow what the hell?"

"I'm a freedom loving, hard boiled yet compassionate son of the desert. I am very grateful to you for having helped me out of that jam back there and I'll be glad to give some of you a ride, but I'm afraid I don't accept male passengers." Chopper translated. The camel was instantly attacked by Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji.

"I'm too macho." he continued and was, again, attacked by the trio.

"I'm sorry that my crew mates are a bunch of ill mannered louts. Now what should I call you?" Nami asked as she pet the camels snout,




"Eyelash it is."

"How did you even arrive to that?" Zoro sweat dropped.

"Vivi hop on." Nami said

"No I'm fine I can still walk." Aki decided to ignore the boys, minus Ace and Zoro, chanting pervert camel.

"Oh come on, hurry up and get on." Nami said. Vivi gave in and climbed up onto the camel's back as well,

"This is great. We should be able to make it there quicker! We need to get to Yuba as fast as we can so we can talk to the rebel army!" Nami said to Vivi. she grabbed the reins and said, "giddy up Eyelash!" the camel quickly took off into the desert, leaving the rest behind.


"Well thanks a lot!"

"I like this side of Nami~swan!"

"What else is new?"

"After them, hurry!"

"Chopper will you be alright?"

"I'll be okay."


>----Time Skip----<

"A TSUNAMI! A TSUNAMI'S COMING!" Aki sighed as he rubbed his hand on his forehead. Luffy was thrashing around on the ground, his eyes painted in big black swirls.

"What is it now?" Sanji asked

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea" Usopp mumbled quietly to himself. Luffy is still screaming and squirming on the sand.

"What wasn't a good idea?" Chopper asked voicing Aki's thoughts

"I warned him but he didn't listen, he said he was so thirsty he couldn't take it anymore so he chomped on a cactus and drank it's water." the sniper explained

"Cactus?" Zoro asked

"Yup. Right there, those round ones." Usopp pointed to a small green cactus that was low to the ground and round. It was indeed half eaten. Chopper suddenly panicked and sat up.

"You gotta be kidding! Those are mescal cacti! They're used to make hallucinogenic drugs!" Aki facepalmed and sighed. He had witnessed several other people under the effects of this cactus and while it was hilarious it was also frustrating.


"LOOK OUT WE'RE GONNA DROWN!" Luffy cried out before suddenly turning angry, "BRING IT ON IF YOU GOT THE GUTS, I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON!"

"What in the world?" Aki whispered to himself. Luffy picked up the sled Chopper laying on and swung it around madly, then broke it against the floor and pounded his chest like a gorilla,

"Oh great." Zoro groaned as Chopper hid behind his leg. Aki stood still, amazed at the stupidity of one boy.

"GUM GUM-" Luffy suddenly fell forwards with a snot bubble coming out of his nose, fast asleep. Chopper appeared beside him and said,

"Knockout!" as he smirked,

"Way to go Chopper!" Sanji praised

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