Stop encouraging these people

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This is an urgent appeal from Oxfume. We are ignoring the real problems, even though they are right here in front of our eyes. People are suffering, and we are doing nothing to help them. Please, take some time to listen to our appeal.

Fan fictions.

Fan fiction after fan fiction after fan fiction.

Crap load after crap load after crap load of one direction drivel.

My brother recently discovered wattpad. Well, I say discovered, I mean he read him some of the rubbish on here because it was so funny. I'm not going to mention titles, but they were just hilariously bad. My brother laughed so much he nearly peed himself. They had awful grammar, terrible story lines and the amount of typos were just hideous. You see that button at the top? It's called spell check. Use it. Even just for a second. Press it once, for the love of god.

Let us start with something so simple that will improve your writing by miles. The title. Here are some titles that won't make me read your book:

One Direction are in Lpve Wit Me? WTF?  -Questions aren't good as titles.

<3 Will he love me back!???  -Get rid of the question marks and no more hearts.

My dream true.  -Dream come true. Good grammar in titles is a must.

My lyfe= A mess?  -Stop it. Stop talking. Give up.

 And now to my next point...

The grammar is just... I can't even.... agh. If there is a mistake every now and then I don't mind, but all the time? I apologise to anyone who can't grasp grammar, but you can tell the difference between someone who struggles with the language and someone who doesn't try. A sentence needs to make sense, at least. Just... I mean...

And the story lines? I know there are some good one direction fanfics, but my god, there are shed loads of terrible, terrible things. Things that burn the eyes. Things that sting the nostrils because they stink so much. Things that give me cancer. Nearly every one direction fan fiction has the same storyline. Girl meets band member, stuff happens, then they fall in love. Sometimes there are some complications that make it a good story but I have only read a few with quality story lines.

But do you want to know the worst thing about 1D fanfics? It is the fact that people encourage them. Other 1D fans vote and fan people purely because they like one direction. Why? If we are going to stop the terribleness of these writings then we have to stop pretending that this is good. I'm not the best writer but at least I try.

Here is what I think when I read a 1D fan fiction:

i woke up cuz the alarm was goin BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP wich made me go ugh!!!11!!!!!!! so then i got up then i wen to scholl. Im so pretty by the way but im always bullied cuz i'm so neerrrrdy even tho i hate all nerdy stuff and luv all the thing that populer people like. on my way to school i see this guy from one d. i'm like ughhhhhhhhhh i hate 1d. then he says 'i luv you. im like i hate you.

omg i now luv hm all of a sudden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! were gunna get married now. omg wer'e married and now i love him even more. i luv him for like evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3<3<3<3<3<3

Again, they aren't all this bad. In fact, only about 10% are at this level, but please, get better at writing or just stop trying. And if you don't write one direction fan fictions, please don't vote for them unless they are good. Please. I beg you.

Have I done this rant before? I'm pretty sure I have but it is really bugging me.

I love 1D and I wish I could marry them. (1D &quot;fan&quot;fic)Where stories live. Discover now