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My fiancée proposed to me 4 weeks ago and planned this nice trip for me to go on. It's a trip to Paris! My dream vacation. I'm disappointed he couldn't go though. He has these important meetings with multiple clients throughout the week. I understand though, his business is very important to him.

He made sure to make sweet love to me all week before I left though. I can forgive him since it was amazing.

A cart passes by me and I take a few snacks. I'm going to need these for the next 2 hours of my flight. I've been on this packed first-class flight for 5 hours already and I'm ready to get off. Once I touch the ground again I'm going to walk around for hours.  I look out the window at the beautiful clouds. I've been on flights before but none at this hour. I get to watch the beautiful sunset.

The orange sky and the pink clouds that follow. I look at my seat partner with a smile. She's a middle-aged woman who was very friendly when I got on this flight. We talked for pretty much all of it.

She's peacefully asleep now with a warm fluffy blanket.

Me: I'm an hour away baby! I miss you😘.

Connor: I miss you too😘! If I finish these meetings early then I'm going to fly out there to be with you!

Connor: It looks like the weather is getting rough too! Be careful and don't take off your seatbelt Brooklyn!

Me: I won't but if I crash😥 know that I love you forever.

Connor: Don't joke like that baby!

Me: I'm kidding about the crashing part. Relax it'll be fine.

Me: I've gotta go.

Connor: Text me as soon as you land.

I smile and lay my head back. This flight is so peaceful. I think it's time for me to catch some shut-eye too. I tap my foot as my need to pee suddenly strikes. I shouldn't have drunk that last glass of wine. I better go before I'm not able to get up. I unbuckle my seatbelt and climb around my seat partner, heading into the bathroom. It took me some time with all the people waiting ahead of me, but I finally got in.

Even the bathroom in this place is big. I look around admiring the bathroom. Then I sit on the toilet and scroll through my messages.

Mom: I'm worried about this weather!

Me: I'll be fine. I'll be safe in my seat.

Mom: That doesn't mean anything.

Me: Are you trying to scare me.

Mom: Okay, sorry! I love you.

Me: Love you too.

Ian: Congratulations! I know we've never met, but I'm going to be in town next week.

Me: Okay! Next week I'm going to be back from Paris so that's great. I hope you're nice.

Ian: Only to the right people...you count as the right people.

Me: Okay great! See you then.

Suddenly the plane starts to shake out of control. My phone drops out of my hand and I reach down to pick it up. A bad feeling washes over me. Okay, time to head back to my seat. I stand up and fix my pants. Suddenly it feels like the plane is tilting, and I catch myself on the wall before I crash into it.

Great, this is a real big problem. I try to open the door but I fall back to the wall. I might be stuck in here. I start to panic and hold on tight to the silver rail. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten out of my seat. Crap!

I'm suddenly jolted to the other wall and this time I hit my head hard. I feel something warm drip down my head. I touch my face to look and its, Blood! "Someone help me! I'm stuck in here." I yell. Ding "Everyone please brace yourselves. Under no circumstance should you take off your seatbelt! We are going down!" The plane violently continues to shake and I slam from wall to wall. I try to brace myself on something steady but my hand slips.

"Help! Someone!" I scream one last time. That was the last thing I said before my head slammed into the mirror so hard I blacked out.

Story coming soon!

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