Naked Bliss

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I wake up on a hard chest completely naked. I mean I still have on my lace underwear, but naked enough. I open my eyes and they strain as a sudden headache emerges. I cover my eyes to steady the spinning room. I look next to me and see Ian asleep. He's wearing a pair of pants which means he changed. We are both in my room. Oh please don't tell me he had to carry me inside.

His eyes flutter open and I cover myself with my bedsheets. I see a small blush on his face as he sits up. "Sorry. I-" He starts, but stops himself.

"You threw up and I had to change your clothes." He runs a hand through his hair. I try to remember something. Anything, but I don't.

"What happened last night?" I ask holding my head. My throat is dry and some water could do justice right now.

My head pounds and I feel him put asprin in my hands. I smile a bit as he hands me a cup of water.

"Well, you have a threatening strong grip when you're drunk." He smirks.

I stare at him until it all comes back to me.

From everything, I did at the bar all the way up until I gave him a handjob. My eyes widen and I facepalm myself. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to touch you." I groan when my headaches even more.

He liked it! He liked every moment. He came in my hands for goodness sake. What was I thinking touching Connor's brother like that? What is wrong with me. Except I have no regrets. In fact, I liked every second of it. I want to touch him again.

I look up into his eyes and gulp. "It's fine. You were drunk. I was the one who didn't pull you away." He stands up out of the bed and I almost laugh at his bedhead.

Looking down at my side I see a fingermark. This must have been from when he gripped my side. I trace my hand over the mark remembering the way his cock felt in my hand. So wet and hard.

"Do you need me to get you some clothes?" He asks walking to the door. "No. I'm fine" I say looking down at my feet.

"Okay." I don't look at him as he walks out.

Things are going to be so awkward from now on. I slide out of my bed and into my wheelchair. I rest my head against the seat to stop my headache. Then I roll over to my dresser. I don't feel like putting on any clothes so I pull out a white shirt. I throw it over my body and roll out of the room.

Ian's best friend has finished the stairlift. Honestly, I was speechless when It rolled my body up and down the stairs. That man is talented.

I look at my phone screen and cringe.

Emmy: I just want to let you know you told me the man was going to get between your legs last night. He was right behind you.

Me: Thanks for not saving me from that embarrassment.

Emmy: Did he get between your legs?

Me: Ugh no. But I did something worse.

I attach myself to the stairlift and press the button for it to go down.

Emmy: What did you do?

Me: Uh...I totally gave him a hand job last night.

Emmy: Shit! I'm sorry I shouldn't have let you go home drunk like that.

Me: No you did the right thing.

Emmy: Did he like it at least?

Me: It's all a blur, but I remember his satisfied groans and him calling out to me. I also remember him gripping onto me while he came.

Emmy: Oof girl that's hot. I'm gonna go do that to my husband now.


Emmy: Sorry!

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