Physical Therapy

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2 months

"Am I getting any better?" I ask the therapist as he helps me with my exercise.

"Yes, of course, you are. It's going to take some time, but you can definitely start working again." He smiles as I lift up my leg.

We have been doing an exercise called side leg lifts for four weeks now. I'm working so hard. No matter how hard it gets I have to get through it. Getting back to work is my top priority. Sitting at home while Ian works makes me feel worthless. He's paid all my medical bills and in return, I haven't paid him back anything.

Ian always says it's fine. It's not though. No matter how nice he is I know it's not fine. I haven't seen much of him since his mother came over. He's been busy with some projects at work. He told me one of his clients is never happy with the interior design he does. If it doesn't go well this time he'll just drop the project.

This is good though. We won't have time to think about what happened between us. The fact that I had my hand on my fiance's brother's cock. A cock that felt so good in my hands I couldn't resist making it cum.

"So when are we going to move on to the next exercise?" I question lifting my leg up slowly.

"We will move on when I think you're ready. If it makes you feel better you can practice with someone at home." He smiles.

"I can," I ask sitting up excitedly. I don't have anyone to help me practice, but I want this to go faster.

"Yes, small exercises as long as they don't exhaust you. You can't overexert your body or you have to start from the beginning." His hand slides up my thigh and he lifts my leg up.

"Can you hold it?" He asks as he slowly lets go. My leg lowers, but I hold it up 5 inches away from my chair. A smile takes over my features.

"Seem's I'm getting better after all." I slowly lower my leg.

"Have you thought about therapy? I haven't seen you cry yet." He asks.

"Well, that's because you don't live with me. But no. I don't really need it." I say lifting up my body.

"Are you sure Brooklyn? I mean you haven't had time to grieve" He raises an eyebrow and lifts me off the floor. Placing me into the wheelchair I roll over to his desk.

"I'm sure. Focusing on physical therapy comes first." I smile as he walks over. He hands me my slip from behind his dark brown desk. Lifting the pen I sign the paper.

"My ride should be here in 5 minutes. Thank you for helping me today." I nod my head as I wave.

"You're welcome, Brooklyn. Have a good rest of the day." He waves as I roll to the front door.

Pulling my phone out of my purse I switch on my phone. It takes a couple of seconds before it cuts on. The bright screen shows 9 messages.

Mom: Hey sweetie. Can we go for breakfast tomorrow?

Mom: If you want to we can go shopping too.

Mom: I heard you're staying with Ian and men don't know how to shop.

Me: Sounds nice mom. I do need a lot more clothes.

Me: Yeah I am for a while. I don't have all my clothes either

Connor: Listen Brooklyn I'm sorry. If I knew you were going to wake up I wouldn't have-.

Connor: I would take everything back if I could.

Me: Except you can't. You shouldn't be saying that when you have a wife and kids.

Me: How the hell did you even get my new number?

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