Old Friends

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I roll into Little lake Cafe. There are few eyes on me staring at my scars no doubt. I see Emmy sitting at the table on her phone. She looks the same as she did the last time I saw her. Long blonde hair that's naturally curly. Hazel eyes that compliment it. She still looks 27 years old or even younger.

When her eyes connect with mine they go wide. Tears fill her eyes as she gets out of her seat. She walks over to me and I notice the huge baby bump under her shirt. Shit, she's huge. When I last saw her she told me her doctor said she wasn't able to have kids.

I guess that doctor was wrong. "It's so good to see you again." She sobs.

"You too." I smile. "I've missed you," I say.

"Looks like you and Greyson made a Minnie you" I giggle.

"Yes. With lots of breathtaking sex, we finally did it." She says wiping the tears. "Now tell me what's happened since you woke up and how you got there." She says walking as I roll to a table.

"Well on my way to Paris the plane crashed. I had to use the bathroom so by the time I realized I couldn't get back to my seat." I shiver remembering the glass going through my face.

"That explains the scar on your face." She frowns. "So how did you and Connor break up?" she asks.

"I woke up a year later. His brother Ian was there in front of me. He told me Connor married Stephanie. Then I found out Ian had been paying my hospital bills." I frown.

"Connor is a dick! I can't believe his brother did all of that. I honestly didn't think there was anything behind the looks." She stares off into space.

"You've met him before?" I question.

She looks back at me and smiles. "I've never talked to him personally, but I have seen him with Connor and he's hella sexy.

I bury my head into my hands. "I know!" I admit. He's way sexier than his brother. I can't keep my mind from wandering to him. The gentle way he carries me down the stairs while my mind wonders how rough he could get. The way that sexy naked back calls out for my nails to run down them.

"Wait you know! Girl are you dating his brother? She winks.

I lift my head wide-eyed. "No! I just broke up with Connor- or at least it feels like it.

"Well it's been a year so I wouldn't blame you. Your body must be craving sex." She giggles.

I nod "Hell yeah it is. If I don't get laid soon I might dry up down there."

"Okay, let's go out tonight." She squeals.

"I can try to get out tonight. If you're driving." I motion down to my legs.

"Yeah, I can drive. Where are you living anyway?"

I lick my lip and blush "Ian moved me in with him."

"Oho please tell me you saw him naked." She smiles.

"I did. Down to every last long inch." My voice comes out a breathless whisper.

"Oh yeah, girl! He's going to drive you crazy." She laughs.

He's already driving me crazy....

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me." I frown at her bump.

"It's fine, you were in a coma. If anything I should have been there for you. When I found out I was pregnant I just wanted you to be the first I told. I was butt hurt when I couldn't.

I push my hair behind my ear and furrow my brows. "Connor is an asshole."

She nods in agreement. The waiter walks up to us and we order our food. "What time are you picking me up tonight? I ask

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