Breaking down

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Ian looks at the doorway in a panic. Dammit, why did I have to kiss him! Why did it feel so good? Now he wants to get away as fast as possible. That is until I heard Connors's voice. "B-Brooklyn"  I hear him stammer. I look away from Ian and over to Connor.

Tears almost fill my eyes until I see who is behind him. My best friend Stephanie. I thought Ian was talking about a different Stephani. My heart drops. My fiancee and my best friend.

That backstabbing bitch! I keep my composure. He doesn't give a damn about me! He wasn't even here when I woke up. He walks into the room with tears in his eyes. "You're awake!" he tries to hug me but I move away. He looks at me confused.

"I want my money Connor and all of my belongings!" I say angrily. "You said you loved me! And yet here you are with my best friend." I look at him disgusted. "I can't even say I loved you! It's still the same day for me."

"I love you! To me this morning you said we would be married and save up for a house and yet you didn't even wait for me." I cross my arms. "Baby you have to understand! Coming here and seeing you lying here lifeless everyday was making my health bad," he says not looking at me.

"So you decided to fuck her!" I yell. Then I quickly quiet myself down. I am in a hospital after all.

"We were both going through depression. We didn't know how to handle you in this coma. We got drunk and she ended up pregnant, I'm sorry."

Stephanie walks over to me with tears in her eyes. "I thought you were going to die! I thought I lost my best friend. The only thing I had left of you was him." she says.

I roll my eyes at both of him. "I don't care! I just want my money. Where the hell is it?" I ask Connor and he looks away from me. "I used it to buy the house, and all the furniture, and all our our daughter's clothes."

I choke on my words. He used my money for his new family. He's rich why couldn't he have used his own money. "T-t-that was my money." I swallow hard. I glare at him and that bitch. "You have money! Why would you use my money on her! I'm still alive and breathing!" Tears start to fall down my eyes.

Ian walks over and gives me a tissue. Connor furrows his brows at him. "I want my money, Connor! That's the only thing I have left." I glare. If it's been a year then I've surely been fired.

I was a school teacher and I met him at a fundraiser. I was good at my job and it paid me well. Connor doesn't like to spend the money his grandfather gave him. He uses the money he gets from his job as CEO of his father's company. I started saving up my money for a house I wanted to buy for us and our future kids.

Unfortunately, I had no idea that wasn't going to happen. It took me 5 years to save up that money and he used it on someone else. I'm enraged. If I could walk I would kick him to death right now. "I'm sorry!" he says sadly.

"GET OUT?" I grit my teeth. He looks at me shocked. "GET THE HELL OUT I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU?" He does as I say and leaves the room along with Stephanie.

I start sobbing. How did my life become like this? I was so happy and now I'm broke and alone.

I feel Ian pull me into his chest and I let it all out. This was defiantly a horrible first meeting. I mean I just yelled at his brother! He probably hates me now.

I cried in Ian's chest for an hour before I started to feel bad. I made him stand in that position for so long. I wipe my eyes. "Sorry, you don't have to stay here. I need to see my mother!" I sigh.

"It's fine. I'll take you to see her once you're released tomorrow." he hands me some food and my stomach starts to growl. "Thank you. I'm so grateful for you doing all of this." I blush.

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