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Sitting at the edge of the bed I watch as my Fiancee lay lifeless. It's been 3 months now, and she isn't showing any signs of recovering.

"When will she wake up? I don't get it, shouldn't she have at least been able to move now?" Stephanie says holding Brooklyn's pale hand.

Looking up at her I frown. "Does she look she can move Stephanie! Fuck!" I get out of my seat and it thumps against the floor as it falls. Pacing the room Stephanie watches me.

"Connor! Blowing up isn't helping anyone." Stephanie raises her voice.

"I'm sorry okay! I just want the love of my life back." Tears fill my eyes as I look at her again. What if she never wakes up? What will I do? I won't be able to live without her. I can't live without her.

I had an entire future planned with her. Kids, a house, marriage, so much sex my dick falls off.

Now I can't have that with her. I can't even see her eyes. The tears continue to fall this time harder. Stephanie walks over to me and pulls me into her chest.

"Hey man, you look pathetic right now. Wipe those tears and be strong for your woman." She says stroking the tears from my eyes.

When our eyes something comes over me. I don't know what, but something does. I press my lips against hers. Stephanie's eyes widen a bit before she pulls me even deeper.

My Fiance is laying right there helpless and yet I'm kissing her best friend. I haven't had sex in 4 months and I just need to release some stress.

Opening the bathroom door I push her inside. She moans into the kiss as I lift her onto the sink. I quickly rip off her panties and her pants.

Then I pull mine off. "Hurry." She moans starting down at my hard-on.

I push inside her hard and fast and she throws her head back. "Oh yes, Connor. More"

I fuck her slick warm pussy as it squeezes around me. Then Ian barges into the bathroom angrily. "What the fuck! Your wife is right there." He says holding two bags of food in his hand. He's looking at me with so much disgust in his eyes. Honestly, I'm just as disgusted with myself. How could I do this right next to my unconscious fiancée?

Not only that but with her best friend. "And you!" He glares at her friend. "How could you sleep with your best friend's fiancée. Have some respect." He scowls.

"Fuck you! You don't even know her so why do you care." When she says those words I pull out of her. What the hell is wrong with her. Does she not regret what we just did. It was so wrong it's not even excusable.

Fixing my clothes I turn to Stephanie. "What we just did was wrong. Please leave" Walking out of the bathroom I don't even bother to see if she's leaving. Guilt fills up my thoughts. How could I do this to the woman I love. How can I even face her if she ever wakes up?

Ian sits down in one of the hospital chairs and watches my wife intently. It always pisses me off how much he cares for her. I'm sure she reminds him of his ex-girlfriend, but he's a little too involved. He's always here making sure she's okay. Is he the fiancee or am I.

Not even I come here every day to check on her. Some days I just need a break because of how tired I am. Having to see her pale body laying there on machines. "Are you going to tell her?" I question Ian. Surely his loyalty lies with me and not her.

He shakes his head. Relief floods me until he glares up at me. "You're going to tell her. It's not my place to tell a stranger her fiancee fucked her best friend."

Frowning at his words I run a hand through my hair. What am I going to do? If Ian wasn't here she wouldn't even know because I would never tell her.

Sighing I sit in a seat next to her. Taking her hand into mine I rest my head against her arm. "I'm so sorry Brooklyn." Tears fall down my eyes for the millionth time these past months. How much more suffering will I be able to take. Knowing she won't wake up soon is killing me.

One day I will need to move on! If not now then it will be soon. I can't waste my entire life waiting for her to wake up. We were going to start a family soon and now that dream is destroyed. She might be paralyzed for life when she wakes up. Then she won't be able carry kids anyway let alone have a job to provide for herself.

Looking over to my brother I see that he's staring intently at my fiancee. He's always doing that as if staring at her really hard is going to make her wake up. Well, it's not so I wish he would just stop.

Suddenly getting up out of my chair it scapes against the floor. Rushing out of the room I suddenly feel suffocated. My breathing speeds up and my heart pounds. Quickly I start to gasp. The world around me starts to spin. Falling onto my knees I hold onto the wall to keep myself from falling face first.

"Are you okay sir?" Someone's faint voice rings in my ear. Am I okay? What's happening to me. Why does my body feel so suffocated?

The world around me goes dark and I fall into something soft.

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