Waking up

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"She's waking up sir!" I hear someone say from a distance. At least it sounds like it's from a distance. They must have found me unconscious in this plane. How long have I been asleep? I feel naked! I hit my head pretty hard so they must be calling the ambulance. The thing is though, I don't feel any pain.

I slowly open my eyes and the bright light shines hard causing my head to strain. I squint my eyes looking around. It seems that I'm in a hospital! Great, they already brought me here. Where's my fiancée though?

I look around but I don't see him. Instead, I see a handsome figure looking down at me with pitiful eyes. As if he's sad that I'm here right now. "W-who are you? Where is Connor?" I groan? I try to sit up but he rushes to my side laying me back down.

"What do you remember?" he asks

"I was in the bathroom of the plane! I think I-I hit my head against the glass." My head starts to hurt as I try to remember when they picked me up. "If I'm here then it had to be at least two hours ago." I look into his beautiful green eyes. He kinda looks like Connor. They have the same nose shape.

This guy is wearing glasses and dark casual clothes. He looks handsome. Why am I ogling other men? He furrows his brow as if I'm wrong. The nurse walks in with a doctor and I sigh.

"Am I in Paris right now? I might have left my passport on the plane." I say to the doctor.

"You aren't in Paris Brooklyn. Your fiancée flew you back out here as soon as he found out you were hurt." the doctor says.

"W-where is he?" I ask for the second time today. "And who the hell is he," I ask annoyed.

"I'm Ian! Connors older brother." My face softens.

Great what a nice first impression. "S-sorry. Are you here because he's in another meeting?" I ask.

"Brooklyn you were in a coma for a year!" The doctor sighs with a thoughtful expression.

"W-what that can't be possible! I was just on the plane." I say in denial. I couldn't have been asleep for a whole year. My wedding was in 4 months. I'm supposed to be married!

I can feel the tears form in my eyes. "I'm sorry Brooklyn. You hit your head against the glass hard and there was swelling in your brain. You wouldn't wake up.

I pull the cover off me and try to get out of bed but my wobbly legs make me fall. Ian catches me and I break down. "Where is Connor! He should be here. Where is my mom?" I ask Ian with tears in my eyes.

"I've got her doc. Can you leave me to explain?" he asks "Go ahead, Ian. I'll be back to take some tests." The doctor nods and leaves the room.

Ian sits me onto the bed gently. "Connor stopped visiting you after the 8th month. He didn't think you would wake up." I lower my head. So that bastard didn't give a shit about me once he couldn't handle it anymore. I can't believe him. "H-he married Stephanie and they have a child together." I snap my head up.

"M-married! A-A baby." The tears fall down my eyes. He moved on! Forgot about me the first chance he got. Did he really love me?

"S-so why are you here?" I sob.

"I've been paying your medical bills. I wasn't going to abandon you. I may not know you but I have a heart." He says.

"Did he stop paying for my medication?" I ask and he nods. So he was going to let me die. I start crying harder "Where is my mom?" I sniff.

"She got sick after she found out you were in a coma. She's getting treated in a hospital. I can take you to her."

I don't know much about Ian, but I do know he's not rich like Connor. He has a regular job as a construction worker and architect. He gets paid but not enough for all of this.

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