Can't Ever Catch A Break

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He pulls up to the hospital and tears fill my eyes. I can't believe she's been here for an entire year. She bought a house 2 years ago for herself and my father before he died. I wish I could have been here to help her. I'm here now though.

He gets out of the car and gets the wheelchair. When he opens my door I try to move on my own but fail miserably. "You have a lot of work to do before you can move on your own Brooklyn." He raises an eyebrow and I puff out a breath.

"I hate being useless." I sigh. "You aren't useless. There's a lot of things you can do in a wheelchair." He winks.

He lifts me into the wheelchair and closes his car door. He rolls me into the building. It takes us 20 minutes to get to the room my mother is in. "Do you want me to give you a minute?" He asks.

I would like some time with my mom but I also need someone to be there with me. "No. You can come in." I nod and he pushes me into the room. My mother is sitting on the bed reading a book. The book that I had as a little girl. She has tears in her eyes. She looks up at us and her eyes go wide.

"B-Brooklyn baby girl is that you." My mother stands up and walks over to me. She pinches my arm and I scrunch up my face. "Oww, mom," I say with a sad frown. She looks so sick. "I'm sorry." She says before hugging me tightly.

"I can't believe you woke up. Oh baby I can't believe you had to go through so much pain." She says looking at me. "It's fine mom. You went through more pain than me." I say walking her over to her bed. She sits down and looks at her hands.

"What happened, mom?" I ask "After I got the news I had a heart attack. I've been having strokes monthly. I stay here so they can monitor my health. Your nice friend here has been paying all the bills while your fiancee has been running around with your best friend." My mother says angrily.

"Ian is a really nice man! You should keep him around." My mother smiles and I blush.

"Are you okay though mom?" I ask ignoring her comment.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just need to stay on a healthy diet and I can probably leave within a year." She smiles at me.

"I'm sorry that you're going through this because of me." I say

"I'm old! It was bound to happen." She hugs me again.

My mother and I talk for a while and Ian leaves to get us some drinks from the vending machine.

We were in the hospital for an hour as my mom caught me up on her life. I'm registered she has to sell her house. I didn't want to keep Ian any longer so I told him we could leave. He drove me to his place which was 2 hours away from the hospital.

The entire car ride I avoided looking at him. I was scared if I did I would see him differently. I can't have those thoughts. I mean I still love Connor. That love is slowly fading away though. After what he did how could I still love him?

"This is it." He says pointing to his house. It's a big modern house that looks like it has at least 3 bedrooms. The place is beautiful and 2 stories high. The windows reveal a lot of the house.

"How much does a construction worker get paid," I ask with my eyebrows raised. "You would be surprised how much I've saved up over the years." he takes his keys out of the ignition and gets out of the car.

I'll never get used to him getting a wheelchair for me. He opens my door and we do the same routine of him getting me out. "I can roll myself you know," I smirk. "Yeah, I know. I just want to help," he says rolling me up to the house.

Once he gets the door open he lets me control my own chair. One thing I notice is the many stairs leading up to the second floor. Another thing I notice is how beautiful this house is. It looks like a billionaire house, but small.

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