Want you to be min3!

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As I set the plates down for breakfast, I get a text from my friend Emmy and one from my mother. I shouldn't look at my phone while I'm preparing breakfast. It's already hard just to get things out of the cabinets.

Setting down my phone I turn the egg pot off. As the rice boils, I make Ian and I's plate. He's always making breakfast for me and today I wanted to return the favor.

Once the plates are finished I take the rice out and dump it onto both of our plates. The smell of food makes my stomach rumble. When I hear footsteps come down the stairs, I look over my shoulder. Ian walks down the stairs and my eyes widen. He's only wearing a pair of jogging pants with no shirt. His entire upper body still covered in tattoos.

My eyes roam over every muscle covered by tattoos. It's as if he does this on purpose. Wearing no shirt just to get me flustered.

Turning back towards the food I avoid eye contact. "Morning." I smile as I turn my wheelchair.

"Morning. Did you make all this yourself?" He asks sitting at the table.

"Yeah. It's harder now that I can't walk, but I need to learn somehow." Shrugging I pour some sugar into my rice. Grabbing a fork I place my plate onto my lap and roll over to the table.

I don't feel like trying to get into my chair. I just want to eat my food.

Placing my plate onto the table I dig in. "You aren't going to sit in the seat?" He asks.  Shaking my head I look up at him.

"No. I'm fine." My eyes almost wander back to his naked chest. Catching myself I clear my throat and try to distract myself. "So my physical therapist said I may be able to go back to work. As long as they don't require me to walk around."

His eyes widen and he looks up at me. "Wow. That's great news. Will they give you your job back though?" He questions.

"They should as long as I explain the situation to them." Putting the pancake into my mouth I grab my phone and look at my messages.

"What about you? How's your work going." I ask.

He frowns and starts to poke at his food. "It's been stressful. I've been working on the same house for half a year now and I would like to take on different." He runs a hand through his hair.

"Well, why don't you? I mean, after all, it's not like your losing any money. They're just paying you extra to remake the house right?" I question.

He nods. "Yeah, but I've never not finished a house. I don't want this on my reputation. People will start to think I don't finish the house if they want it revised multiple times." He sighs,

"Well if you ever need new ideas I could help. After all, having a fresh perspective is great too." Smiling I take another bite. Who knew if I put my mind to it I could cook really well.

"Having you come to work with me one day and helping me after hours doesn't sound like a bad idea." He smirks.

My face heats up. Even though he wasn't insinuating anything I can't help but think bad things. Just the thought of him bending me over his desk in his office while his coworkers are in the other room has my thighs clenching. My eyes widen and I shake my head. These thoughts really need to stop. He's my exes brother for goodness sake.

Someone whose cock has been deep inside my throat. So far I've gagged as he enjoyed every second. The memory of his groans suddenly fills my ears.

"You okay Brook? Your face is really red." He questions.

Taking a deep breath I finish my food. "Sorry, it got really hot in here." Smiling I stop looking at him.

"Would you like to take a walk outside before we both get ready?" He asks. "Maybe you need some air.

"Yeah sure. Might as well before my stressful interview at work." Finishing my food I take my plate over to the sink. I can feel his gaze on me. Too bad, he can't see my ass.

"I can wash my plate," Ian says getting out of his chair. He walks over to the sink as I look up at him. When our eyes connect I bite my bottom lip and his linger for a bit before he looks away.

"Then I'll get out of your way." Pushing my chair back I move over to the table. Watching as Ian washes the dishes.

Once he's done he turns towards me. "Let's go." He smiles.

Nodding I roll to the door and wait for him to grab his keys...


Yes, I may have teased her a bit on purpose this morning. Yes, I loved the way she reacted to my dirty words. Yes, I wanted to fuck her in my kitchen.

No, I shouldn't be having these thoughts. Brook isn't mine! She's my brothers and always will be.

She rolls down the hill with a smile on her face. Hair blowing in the wind as her skin brightens up. She looks so much healthier not staying in that house all day. She stops her chair and turns towards me.

Walking up behind her I stop next to her. "Can you hold me up?" She asks.

Reaching for her I nod. "Yeah." Helping her out of her chair slowly I hold her up. My hand rests on the small of her back while my other is on her side. She holds onto me for dear life.

"Thanks. Just wanted to stretch my legs for a bit." She watches as the leaves blow in the wind. My eyes however are on her.

The large scar on her face must have hurt. Even though she wasn't awake to feel it when she hit her head it probably hurt before she became unconscious. She hasn't really acknowledged it. To be honest she doesn't show me any feelings about the plane crash. That night she cried in my arms is the only time.

Maybe she isn't comfortable around me. Either way shes still beautiful with the scar. It makes her look stronger. We suddenly hear someone ring a bell. We both turn our heads to see a biker heading our way. "Crap." Pulling her closer to me I move over.

She gasps and looks up at me as the biker rides by really fast. Once he's gone I look down at her. "That guy could have slowed down." She shakes while glaring after his bike.

Smiling I grip tighter. "Well, at least he's brought us closer together." My eyes travel down to her lips and her eyelids suddenly droop.

Bringing my head down slow I make sure to watch her face. "We shouldn't," she whispers.

"Shouldn't what?" Playing dumb I trace the line of her spine. She bites her bottom lip and blinks lost in thought.

"We shouldn't be getting closer!" Her voice wavers as if she's scared.

"Is that what you want?" I question looking up into her eyes. Her eyes meet mine and she shakes her head.

"I don't know what I want right now." She sighs.

"Well, I know what I want." Stopping my hand I keep it on the small of her back.

"And what's that?" She looks down at my lips.

"To kiss you! I want to kiss you and make you mine. Take you on dates. Get to know you better than Connor ever has." Bringing my mouth down to her ear I whisper. She shivers under my touch. "Can I kiss you?"

Once she nods her head I grip the back of her neck. Bringing her towards my lips ever so slowly. Once our lips connect the world around us disappears. Pulling her closer I deepen the kiss. Bending over just so she doesn't have to strain her legs. She moans against my lips and throws her arms around my neck.

My tongue sweeps against her bottom lip. It takes a second but sue opens for me. Not hesitating my tongue dives deep inside of her mouth. Dancing against her tongue as she holds me close. I've never kissed a woman like thus before.

"Ian." She squeals against my mouth. It's the sexiest noise I've ever gotten her to make. She pushes against my chest and I break apart from the kiss.

"I need to get to work." She sits into her wheelchair and rolls away as fast as her little arms can take her. We must have lost track of time.

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