Chapter 3 | Save Hanako

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"STOP!!" I scream as I throw the cupcakes aside and grab the lightning cage. "Teru please! Don't do this!" Teru turns around and glares at me. "And why shouldn't I?" he asked.

He was really going to exorcise Hanako! I have to stop this or Hanako might actually die! "Please Teru! He hasn't done anything wrong! I'm begging you please stop this!" I scream.

"(Y/n), he is an evil spirit that haunts the school. What will you do if he actually kills a student?"

"Then... Then I'll bring them back! I'll bring them back and let you exorcise Hanako. Not only that I'll kill myself and offically become a permanent supernatural! Just please Teru don't do this!" I scream as tears run down my face.

"And why do you care so much? You've only met him, what, twice? Why do you care what happens to him?" Teru questioned.

"Because... I care about Kou and Yashiro. Yashiro is kind and innocent! She's so nice and does whatever makes others feel better! And she loves Hanako! And Kou, what would he do if he found out you exorcised Hanako?! Think about this Teru! Don't let your hate for supernaturals get the better of you! Hanako has done nothing wrong so please don't hurt him!" I begged.

Teru stares at you. He exhales. Then he stabs the katana even deeper into Hanako before yanking it out and taking away the lightning cage.

I immediately ran up to Hanako and stood in front of him to protect him. "Your words not mine." Teru says. I glare at him.

Real funny Teru. Real funny. - me

Sorry. - Teru

Like sorry cuts it!

Teru walks away. I turn around to face Hanako. His eyes were red and puffy from tears, his hair was terribly messy, and he seemed to be having a hard time moving. Most likely aftermath from the sword.

I crouch into the space between his paralzyed legs and drag him into a hug. Closing my eyes, I focus my energy on Hanako's cold body, paralyzed in my arms. I felt his body relax as my powers eased the pain of Teru's sword's aftermath.

I break away from the embrace and cup his face in my hands. "You really worried me Hanako! You need to be more careful!" Hanako slaps my hands away. "It's nothing. Honestly with spiritual powers as high as yours why don't you just kick Terus butt?" he says trying to return to his goofy self.

I sigh. "You always bury your feelings. Hide them from the world. You were almost exorcised! Erased from existence! Yet you still try and hide your feelings because I'm here. You just experienced a near death experience! At least cry!"

Hanako looks you in the eye then stares at the ground. Tears slowly build up in his eyes and quickly spill out in a matter of seconds. He tried to wipe away his tears with his arms but the tears didn't stop.

I cup his face in my hands again and he tries to push them away. I grab his arms and pin them above his body and my forehead meets his.

I feel a wave of sorrow flow through my body. Tears flowed down my face too now. Hanako looked at me and realized what I did.

With our foreheads touching, the pain Hanako felt was equally split between the two of us. Hanako smiles gently at the gesture of kindness.

The two of us sat there, me kneeling between his legs, his arms around my neck, my arms around his, our foreheads touching, and our eyes closed for minutes on end.

The more time that we spent there, the more sleepier I felt. I smile at Hanako before removing my forehead from his and carrying him on my back, back into the bathroom.

I lay the boy on the ground. Hanako looks so peaceful, asleep. I stared at him for a few moments before I heard footsteps behind me. "Aren't you and Hanako close." Teru said with his arms cross.

"He's 13. 14 at most. He still needs parents. Even if it's a fake parent, a parent figure is needed." "And you?" I sigh. "Mine may be dead but they have always been there." Teru blinks as if saying granted.

"Did you do it?" "You know it. This boy is mine." I say with a smile as I caress his cheek with one finger.

"You're twisted you know that?" Teru says. "I'm sorry. He's just so cute." I reply, happily. "But I was right. He's going to do something dire real soon and I'm going to have to stop him."

"You should've just let me exorcise him." Teru comments. "Naw, that would be no fun! But seriously, why would you actually try and exorcise him? You gave me a damn heart attack!"

"Sorry I almost killed your guinea pig." "My CUTE guinea pig!" "I don't see it." "Then open your eyes wider." I reply flatly.

"Okay okay but do you have a plan for tomorrow?" Teru asks. "Duh." "Should I be scared?" "You? No." I say. "But he should." I point at the sleeping boy behind me.

"He's going to be my slave."

Time skip!

"Hanako, Hanako, Hanako. Are you there?" "Here I am! It's early, what are you doing here (y/n)?" The short boy asks as he emerges from the stall. "I think you know." I reply.

"Enlighten me." I lean in so that there was about 2 cms of space between our faces. "I'm going to make you mine." I whisper.

"My my my! It's only 7 AM and you are already acting so perverted!" Hanako says closing the space between your faces to one 1 cm.

I blink at him, unfazed. Sighing, I recoil. "You know very well what I'm talking about." "Nope. No clue!" he says cheerfully. "You were awake."

Hanako freezes. "What do you mean?" "You were awake for the entirety of the conversation with Teru. You know that I want you as my slave."

Hanako's goofy expression turns dire. "And how do you plan to do that?" he asks. I chuckle."Well you see, I know everything." I say.

"Amane Yugi."

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