"Yashiro? Is that you?" "(Y/n), I know that it's late but please, I really need to talk to you!" she says. She sounded desperate.
"Sure, come in! We just finished cleaning up dinner." I say, inviting the girl inside. "Yo, Kou! The mermaid is here!" "What?!"
Kou rushes down the stairs and into the living room. "Yashiro what are you doing here?" Kou asks. "I-I need to talk with (y/n)" she says. "I-I'll prepare some tea!" Kou says as he rushes off into the kitchen.
I laugh at Kou's stutter as I offer Yashiro a seat. "Welcome Yashiro to our humble abode. What may we do for you?" "Um well..."
Yashiro looks behind me at Kou. "Can I talk to you in private?" Gee this must be serious. What did Hanako say this time? "Hey Kou, we're going to my room. We'll be down in a hot second." I shout. "K!" Kou shotus back.
We walk into my bedroom and both take a seat on my bed. "Sorry my room is a bit of a mess. We just got back from the boundary 10 minutes ago. Anyways what's up?" I ask. The girl's eyes slowly fill with tears. "Did... Did you know that I was going to die?"
I blink. "... yes." "Why didn't you say anything?" I looked at the devastated girl. "How much did Hanako tell you? Did he explain the shores?" Yashiro nods. "Did he explain his plan?" "Plan?"
"Oh so he didn't. Well he was planning on lock you up in #4's boundary. #4 is able to make fictional worlds and he was planning on locking you up so that you could live forever!" Yashiro looked bewildered.
"Of course, I stopped him since he was planning on doing so without your permission. He was also planning on dragging Kou into it." I continue. "So in short, you have less than a year to live before you die."
Yashiro's eyes were like waterfalls, water falling and falling and never stopping. "(Y/n)... I... I don't know what to do! Is there no way to stop my death? Will I really die?" It was getting hard to look her in the eye.
"Yes. You will die no matter what. I'm sorry." Yashiro buries her face in my pillow. She was in so much pain I could feel it from the other side of the bed. It hurt me to see her like this. I want to tell her.
"Hey Yashiro... can I tell you a secret?" Yashiro nods, head still in my pillow. "It kinda hurts my feelings that you think I haven't thought about ways to save you." Yashiros looks up at me.
"Have you found a way?" she says through tears. "Yup!" "Well what is it?" "Well you see, I have another power."
Time Skip!
"We're. Telling. Hanako!" Yashiro says, yanking my arm towards the girls bathroom. "But I don't wanna!" I yell back. "Why not? It's the perfect plan!" "Because I want to scare that kid, duh!"
Yashiro gives me an unimpressed look. "FINEEEEE!" Yashiro smiles and drags me into the bathroom. "Hanako! We have good news!" she shouts as we enter raucously through the bathroom doors.
"Hanako?" The first stall door swings open and hits the wall. "BOO!!" We both scream and fall over. Hanako laughs hysterically.
"Real funny Hanako, REAL funny!" I hiss. Kou bursts through the bathroom doors. "I heard screaming, is everything okay?!" he shouts. That only makes Hanako laugh harder.
3 punches later~
"So Hanako, you know how I'm going to die?" Yashiro says. "Senpai is going to die?!" Kou shouts. "I'll explain when we get home." I whisper. "Well," Yashiro continues. "We have a solution!"
"Oh? And what is it?" Hanako says, obviously curious. "Well you know how (y/n) is kinda like a supernatural but not? Well she said that she has another ability!"
"Another?! Your abilities are getting out of hand (y/n)!" "They only work in the school..." I mutter. "Yeah and they're cool!" Kou adds. I smile at Kou.
"Anyways," Yashiro says. "She said that when I die, I will be taken away by a supernatural and killed and she said that she can bring me back!" Hanako tilts his head to one side. "Whatcha mean back?"
"Hanako, don't you see." I say.
"I have the power to revive a supernatural."

Desperate || Hanako x reader
Fanfiction"Have you ever heard about (y/n)? She's a new student at Kamome High school and she lives with the Minamoto's! Apparently she's some distant cousins of Teru but their NOT dating." Typical rumors. You're not actually related to the Minamoto's, but fo...