Chapter 5 | Messing with ghost boy

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"I have an idea! Let's not clean toilets today!" I say. Yashiro and Kou blink at me, then look over at Hanako who, reluctantly, nods in agreement. "Yipee!" the 3 of us cheer.

We all set down our mops and start discussing things to do with our newly found free time. "I have a great idea! Let's all go grab a bite to eat!" I suggest. "What?! No way! You know I'm bound to the school!" Hanako exclaims.

I raise an eyebrow. "And?" Hanako gives me a desperate look but I shrug it off. "Come on, follow me!" I say, heading for the door. "What about Hanako?" Yashiro asks. I grab her hand. "Don't worry about him! Come on!"

I drag her and Kou out of the girls bathroom and down the hall.

I hate you. I hate you so much. - Hanako

Now, hate is a strong word. - me

Well I have a strong hate for you. - Hanako

Just because I took your girlfriend away? - me

You know she doesn't have much time left! I need to spend all the time I can with her! - Hanako

I know. - me

I hate you. - Hanako

It's your fault you're not getting to spend time with her right now. - me


Because you're taking forever to get here. - me

What? - Hanako

Idiot. - me

"So there are cupcakes, cookies, donuts, cakes, and brownies. Dig in!" I say excitedly as I point to all of the various desserts I've brought and placed neatly on the school rooftop.

"Wow!" says Kou as he looked over the neatly placed desserts that surrounded the towel. Yashiro was near tears. "T-This is nothing to cry about!" I say in a worried tone. "Just a dessert picnic..." "But it's... so... beautiful..." I choke on my laughter. Doesn't take much to get her to cry. She's so sensitive (I'm thinking of this in an affectionate way).

"(YYYYYY/NNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!" I whip my head around to see Hanako charging towards me. The shorter boy tackled me onto the ground and pinned me down. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to do this! I seriously thought you guys were going to leave! I thought I would be lonely for the rest of the day! Why didn't you mention anything beforehand!!" he shouts.

I blink at the boy. "Well first of all, for entertainment. And second of all, to give you a taste of your own medicine!" I say cheerfully. "I hate you!" "I'm okay with that."

"G-guys please don't fight." Yashiro says. "I didn't do anything." I reply innocently. "Yeah right," Hanako scoffs as he gets off of me. "Let's eat."

I smile. "Yup!"

Time skip!

"You're home late. I'm guessing the dessert picnic went well?" "I'd say so." I reply. "So then, what do you think?" I look Teru in the eye. "Yashiro is his biggest weakness, no doubt about it. He loves that girl."

"And do you plan to use that against him?" Teru asks. "Well duh. I do love teasing people." "(Y/n)," "Uh oh, this sounds serious." I comment about the tone of his voice.

"I don't know how to tell you this but..." Teru takes a deep breath in.

"Your father has joined your mother."


"The poison really did a number on him huh." I say, sighing.

"Oh well. Let the real torcher begin." 

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