Chapter 13 | Welcome back

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(Back to third person)

"No. 7! Are you listening?" No. 1 (grandpa guy) asks. "Yeah, yeah." Hanako says dully. No. 1 sighs. "It's been 2 weeks since she died, please gather yourself! We need you here." Hanako nods, but doesn't look at No. 1.

"Anyways, as I was saying. After the death of (y/n), it seems that No. 6 has weakened a lot. It is most likely due to the fact that (y/n) was able to control life and death in the school without No. 6's consent. This weakened No. 6 and if (y/n) did turn into an apparition, she would most likely be in his boundary." No. 1 says.

"No. 6 hasn't been coming to any of the meetings ever since (y/n) died. What should we do about that?" No. 2 asked. All of them look to Hanako. "We could go see him in his boundary," he suggests.

"We can't do that! If all of us go into No.6's boundary then there will be mass destruction!" No. 1 exclaims. Hanako shrugs and stares at the floor. The other wonders look at each other, unsure of what to do.

"Hey, sorry I'm late!" Everybody looks at No.6's seat. A young highschool girl sits down in his place. "What's up? What'd I miss?"

Everybody gapes at the girl. "(Y-y/n)?" Hanako asks. "Hey Hanako! Long time no see!" she says with a smile.

(first person point of view)

"I'm No. 6 now! Pretty neat huh?" I say. "I'm reckless but I'm not stupid." Hanako jumps out of his chair and runs at me. "Um, what are you doing...?!"

The boy jumps at me and forces me into a big hug. "Why did you do it?! I couldn't even say goodbye! How could you?! Do you know how worried and sad everybody has been?! I can't believe you!" he shouts through tears.

The boy squeezes you so tight there wasn't any room to breath. "No. 7, you're going to kill her if you keep hugging her with that strength." No. 5 says.

Hanako lets go. "(Y/n), why didn't you tell me you were planning on becoming No. 6?" "If I did then that would be no fun!" I say, teasingly. Hanako looked pissed off.

I laugh. "Well you see, I knew that Yashiro was going to have to die since it was her fate so my plan was to keep her close so when she does, I could revive her. I wasn't expecting it to be so soon though. I thought she would die being a sacrifice but she didn't. I was worried she would die again so I took over the role of No. 6!"

Hanako stares at me. "It's always Yashiro. Yashiro this, Yashiro that. What about me? What about the Minamotos? You've had every single one of us worried sick!" I look at Hanako with a soft expression.

"Well, you guys can take care of yourself. I can't say the same for Yashiro though. But now that I'm No. 6 I can be by your side. Forever and ever and ever." I say. Hanako smiles a sad but hopeful smile. "You better." he says.

Time Skip!

"Hanako?" Yashiro says, poking her head around the corner. "Hey Yashiro!" I say, waving. The girl falls onto her knees, tears streaming down her face. Kou soon entered the room and nearly tackled me.

After 15 minutes of questions, tears, and explaining, the two dragged me to find Teru and for the first time in my life, I saw him cry. We spent the entire evening playing with the Mokke, laughing and having fun.

The 3 soon left and Hanako and I were left alone. He made me promise to stay by his side forever. I agreed because it was part of my plan. For I planned to stay by his side for the rest of eternity.

(Back to present)

"That's the story! I didn't want to leave the two alone here so I decided to teach here." Teru announced. "As a matter of fact (y/n) is still here as the 6th of the 7 wonders. It's said that if you try to summon Hanako at 4 PM sharp, she will answer instead. The two fell in love." Teru laughs.

"I'm sorry," said one of the students. Teru smiles. "Don't worry, I got myself a kind human wife. Besides, (y/n) didn't last very long. She almost fell in love with that boy immediately. You should've seen all of No. 7's sorry attempts to get her to like him! Oh my goodness, I laugh just remembering them. Hanako nearly blew up the school on Valentine's day!"

The students laugh, wanting to know the story. "Now that is a story for another time. But, ever since then it is said that the two can't be summoned on Valentine's day. I've actually tested that theory myself. It's quite true. They really only have eyes for each other."

The bell rings. "Well that's all for today, hurry on to your next classes! I'll see you in history class!" The students gathered their things and bid their goodbyes.

"Hey, you forgot to mention we got married." Hanako snaps. Teru chuckles. "It's quite strange to say a 14 year old and 16 year old got married in a bathroom." I laugh. "Granted."

"I have a meeting so I'll get going. Enjoy some alone time!" Teru bids. "Oh we will." Hanako says seductively inching closer and closer. I push the boy away. "Teru! Don't leave me here with the perverted cat!" I shout.

Teru shrugs, smiles, and leaves the room. Hanako gives me puppy eyes. I sigh. "What do I do with you?" I ask patting Hanako on the head. "Give me what I want?" "At 8 in the morning? No."

Hanako curls into a ball and pretends to be sad. I hug him. "I'll give you cuddles." I say affectionately. "Fine with me!" he says, snuggling up to me. I smile.

With love like this, even an eternity seems too short. "I love you." Hanako says. "I love you too." I reply.

Yup. Eternity is WAY too short.

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