Simulation Prank

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(Today is a normal day in Metroville as everyone is doing their usual business)

Max: (voice over) Metroville, a city of wonders, home to the greatest superheroes in the world.

(Max is standing on top of a building)

Max: Now that Supers have been legal again, it's my time now.

(Suddenly, a giant portal opens in the middle of downtown, getting Max's attention)

Max: Huh?

(Sarangra jumps out from the portal and roars while the portal closes)

Unnamed man: Monster!

(Many civilians scream as they ran for their lives)

Max: Another giant monster attack.

(Max pressed his com-link)

Max: Dad, we got a problem.

(Sarangra continues his rampage until he gets hit in the back of the head by an energy beam)

Max: (offscreen) Hey Sarangra.

(Sarangra turns around, looks down and see Max on the ground)

Max: Why don't you pick on someone your own side?

(Sarangra roars at Max)

Max: Have it your way.

(Max transforms into Mega Dragonfly and roars)

(Mega Dragonfly roars at Sarangra, who roars back as the alien insectoid kaiju charges at the dragonfly kaiju)

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(Mega Dragonfly roars at Sarangra, who roars back as the alien insectoid kaiju charges at the dragonfly kaiju)

(As Mega Dragonfly charges at Sarangra, the alien insectoid monster suddenly glitches, much to Mega Dragonfly's confusion as he transforms back into Max)

Max: Huh?

(Sarangra suddenly turns into a giant floating Elastigirl head as Max screams)

Max: Aaaaah!

(The giant floating Elastigirl head began chasing Max in a circle as the rest of the Planet Warriors looked shocked)

Max: She's chasing me!

(Outside of the control room, Harold is standing near the control console)

Harold: Alright, end the simulation!

(The simulation ends as the giant floating Elastigirl head glitches and turns into a robot that falls onto the floor)

Max: Finally.

(Max lands)

Max: That was scary.

(In the control room, the Incredibles, the Blight Force, Alina, Jerry, Trixie, Frozone, Jade, Daphne, Kyle and Katie were watching as Max walks into the control room through an elevator)

Max: That was really terrifying.

Dash: What was it?

Debbie: A giant floating head of your mom was chasing Max.

(Violet chuckles)

Max: It's not funny Violet!

Dash: Yes it is.

(Jack-Jack laughs)

Mr. Incredible: Even Jack-Jack thinks it's funny.

Max: I just wanna know who did it.

Elastigirl: Well, I don't know.

(Max looks at Elastigirl suspiciously)

Max: Hmm? Are you prepared to say that with your hands on a stack of Fantastic Four comics?

(Max pulls out a stack of Fantastic Four comics)

Elastigirl: Of course I...

(Elastigirl becomes shock, but then, she glares at Max)

Elastigirl: Max, what are you saying?

Max: Me, I ain't saying nothing that would matter to me to anyone would be willing to take a lie detector test!

(Max is holding a lie detector in his hands)

Elastigirl: You're saying something.

Max: No, it's just that the Sarangra simulation glitched and you've been standing near the control console all day!

Elastigirl: Are you accusing me of something?

Max: Well, the way I see it, there are three possibilities: One, you mess with the simulation. Two, you mess with the simulation. Or three, you mess with the simulation!

(Max points to Elastigirl)

Elastigirl: I didn't mess with the simulation Max!

Max: Are you sure? Are you sure this wasn't revenge for the statue incident last week.

Elastigirl: Yes, I'm sure.

Max: Are you absolutely su...

(Elastigirl stretches her neck and pressed her face to Max's face)

Elastigirl: Drop it! Now!

(Max is terrified as he backs away in fear)

Max: Yes! Please don't hurt me!

(Elastigirl backs away and laughs, much to Max's confusion)

Max: Why are you laughing?

Elastigirl: Oh Max, of course it was me who alter the simulation just to mess with you.

(Max is shocked)

Max: What? I knew it! I knew it was you!

Elastigirl: Well, tomorrow, you and I are patrolling the north side of the city.

Max: Why?

Elastigirl: Because I said so and if I'm not mistaking, I was voted to be your mentor by everyone and the city.

Max: (looks annoyed) Fine, I'll go with you Mrs. Parr.

(Elastigirl clears her throat)

Max: Ugh, Master Elastigirl.

(Elastigirl crosses her arms with a smug look on her face while the others chuckle for their amusement)

Elastigirl: Ha! I knew you would say that.

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