Alien Nanotech Invasion

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(The story begins with a view of the Earth when a blue sphere-shaped object is entering the planet's atmosphere. Later in the Stewart Mansion, Max is currently in the living room with his family, watching the news)

Alina: A giant wolf creature attacked the wildlife sanctuary and was defeated by Max Stewart aka Monster Kid.

Max: Yeah, that was me.

Alina: In other news, we just got word from NASA that an unknown object is moving towards Earth, entering our planet's atmosphere and according to the scientists, this object will crash land somewhere in Metroville.

Mary: That can't be good.

(Later at Metroville bay, people are fishing when they notice something as the mysterious object falling down and crash lands into the water. Five hours later, a crowd of spectators are at the bay area, looking at the object with the Metroville Police Department guarding)

Unnamed police officer: Back away from the alien object, we'll have this under control.

(Harold and Jade have come to inspect the object as they scan it)

Jade: This metal is unlike any other.

(Jade's device is beeping)

Jade: Whatever's inside that object is giving some strange energy.

(Moments later, the object started shaking as something inside was trying to escape)

Harold: Something's trying to escape.

(Eventually, a swarm of nanites burst out of the object, much to the shock of everyone)

Harold: It's a swarm of nanobots.

Jade: Not just that, I'm detecting life signs from the swarm, it's a swarm of living alien nanites.

Harold: Incredible.

(The nanite swarm began to build a construct humanoid body)

(Harold, Jade, the Metroville Police Department and the bystanders are shocked)

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(Harold, Jade, the Metroville Police Department and the bystanders are shocked)

Jade: Oh my gosh!

Nano: I am Nano!

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