Giant Monster Battle in Municiberg/Monster Kid vs. Zero

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(The military is sending tanks and jets to combat Sarangra. Moments later, they start shooting a barrage of missiles at the creature, but they had no affect. Eventually, Sarangra retaliates by projecting eye beams from his eyes, directly at the tanks when the soldiers got out when Avalon arrives to battle the creature and keeping it away from the city. Later in the city, the Incredibles, Frozone and the Wannabee Supers are helping out with the evacuation)

Dash: You think the military will stop the monster?

(Sarangra's roar is heard, echoing into the city, heard by everyone)

Violet: Obviously not Dash.

Frozone: This usually happens in Japan mostly.

Mr. Incredible: Someone's gotta do something before it can destroy the whole...........

Dash: Look!

(Everyone see Max flying above the city, heading straight to the battle)

Violet: Guess what? We won.

(While Avalon jets are firing missiles at Sarangra, the cyborg creature tries to swat them down and was able to destroy a few while the pilots eject themselves out, safety)

Unnamed female agent: The creature's armor is indestructible! We're not laying a dent!

(Max lands near Anna)

Max: I'm here.

Anna: Please tell me you have a monster form to deal with that because its skin is indestructible.

Max: I got the perfect monster form.

(Max runs towards Sarangra and transforms into a new kaiju, Ataxidon)

(Ataxidon roars and makes his way towards Sarangra, who charges at him

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(Ataxidon roars and makes his way towards Sarangra, who charges at him. Eventually, the monsters are currently fighting with a number of kicks, punches and head butt attacks. Sarangra fires a couple of fireballs at the ground, near Ataxidon, creating several small explosions that cause the dinosaur kaiju to fall down. Sooner or later, Sarangra walks over to Ataxidon and projects energy eye beams at the dinosaur kaiju when the Blight Force arrive and shoot energy blasts at at the insectoid cyborg kaiju)

King Blight: Honey, it's time for the husband/wife combo maneuver!

Queen Blight: Right.

(King Blight and Queen Blight create giant fist constructs as they charge at Sarangra in super flight speed, punch the insectoid cyborg so hard the impact cause it to fall to the ground, leaving a crater. Ataxidon gets back on his feet when Arinna and Alora)

Arinna: Your mom called us to help you.

Alora: We got your back Max.

(Alora winks to Ataxidon as she and her older sister went to help her parents. The Blight Force are blasting energy beams at Sarangra. He tries to swat them, but misses. Moments later, Sarangra leaps into the air, flies in mid-air and dives at Ataxidon, tackling the dinosaur kaiju to the ground. Sooner or later, Ataxidon fires a heat beam at Sarangra, pushing the insectoid cyborg off of him as he gets back up. Suddenly, Sarangra starts to molt, shed his outer skin and develops wings)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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