The Arrival of Vox/Monster Kid vs. The Underminer

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(In the deep reaches of space, the UFO is flying and makes its way to the Milky Way Galaxy, passing through some planets)

(Meanwhile on Earth, today is a normal day in Metroville until the ground starting to shake)

Unnamed woman: What's happening?

(Suddenly, a giant subterrene comes out of the ground, causing people to flee in terror. On top of the drill is the Underminer)

Underminer: Citizens of Metroville, the Underminer is back!

(Everyone ran for their lives)

Underminer: That's right, run like the insects you are!

(Underminer laughs when The Incredibles arrive)

Mr. Incredible: Underminer!

(Underminer see the Incredibles)

Underminer: The Incredibles, here to foil my plans again!

Elastigirl: Underminer, surrender now or we're bring the hurting to you!

(Underminer laughs)

Underminer: You Supers can't beat me!

(Underminer pressed a button as he goes back inside and his subterrene transforms into a giant robot with a drill head)

Violet: Oh great, just what we needed, another robot.

Underminer: You will feel the wrath of my subterrene robot!

(The robot charges at the Incredibles and prepares to slam its fists onto the Incredibles)

Elastigirl: Run.

(The Incredibles scattered before the drill hands could them)

Underminer: I will destroy you!

(Moments later, giant footsteps are heard)

Dash: Uh, what's that?

(Underminer turns the robot around and see Pyrogon, one of the monsters forms of Max Stewart)

(Underminer turns the robot around and see Pyrogon, one of the monsters forms of Max Stewart)

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(Pyrogon roars)

Underminer: What? Now I'm going to deal with a giant dinosaur?

(Pyrogon pounds his fists)

Underminer: Oh, so you wanna challenge me?!

(The Underminer charges his robot to Pyrogon)

Underminer: Prepare to feel the wrath of the Underminer!

(Pyrogon roars and marches his way to the robot)

Mr. Incredible: We need to get these people to safety.

(While the Incredibles got the bystanders to safety, Pyrogon and Underminer's robot began fighting as they exchange some punches and kicks)

Underminer: You want a piece of me? You big liz.......

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