Attack of the Aquatic Monster

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(It is night time at the Metroville docks when something in the water was moving. Later, a drunken man is seen walking wobbly to the docks)

Drunk guy: Whoa, I think I drank too much.

(The drunk guy pukes in a nearby trash can when he saw blue lights flashing in the water)

Drunk guy: What's that?

(Moments later, a giant serpent-like kaiju emerges from the water, roaring)

(Moments later, a giant serpent-like kaiju emerges from the water, roaring)

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(The creature roars as the drunk guy screams)

Drunk guy: (screams) A monster!

(The creature roars and starts destroying a ship. The next day, newspapers pages about the creature are being printed as the scene cuts to the Stewart Mansion with Harold reading a newspaper)

Harold: Sea monster attacks city bay!

Max: What does it mean Dad?

Harold: It means I get to try out my latest invention.

(Later at the city bay, Harold is holding a press conference)

Harold: To keep an eye of the kaiju that's currently inhabiting the water, I give you the cyber-fish.

(Zoey removes a curtain, revealing a pack of robotic fish)

Harold: These creatures are robots created by my sister, Zoey Stewart, the circuits are infused with the DNA of various fish. They have built-in cameras in their eyes.

(Zoey dumps the cyber-fish into the water as they submerge into the button as Harold pulls out a device from his pocket, showing a projection of what the cyber-fish are seeing, regular fish and a few sharks swimming. Moments later, the sea monster starts attacking the cyber-fish one by one, cutting the fee as everyone is shocked)

Harold: That can't be good.

(Later at Avalon headquarters)

Anna: Silrax, a prehistoric sea creature from the Jurassic Period. I though it was extinct.

Theodore: Apparently not, we need to get that creature out of the city bay and take it to Monster Island.

Anna: Max is already there with Mary.

(Later at Metroville, Max and Mary are currently at the docks)

Mary: We need to get this creature out of the bay.

Max: Yes, I know. I might know the perfect monster form.

(Moments later, Silrax emerges from the water and starts roaring, scaring many of the bystanders are they run in terror)

Max: It's coming to the docks.

(Max leaps into the in and transforms into Squidorah)

(Squidorah roars as he jumps into the water, getting ready to fight Silrax, pinching his pincer claws)

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(Squidorah roars as he jumps into the water, getting ready to fight Silrax, pinching his pincer claws)

Barbara: This is going to be a great scoop.

(Squidorah and Silrax charge at each other, fighting with smacks and headbutts. Mary joins the battle by striking the sea serpent by the face. However, She notice something in Silrax's gills and moves in for a closer look, seeing a shark rapidly flapping its tail)

Mary: So that's why the monster is attacking. A shark got stuck in its gills.

(Mary grabs the shark's tail and uses her superhuman strength to pulls its out of Silrax gills. Afterwards, she safely drops the shark into the water while Squidorah fights his fight with Silrax, who calms down and swims away from Metroville Bay)

Mary: We did it.

(Moments later, Mary and Max are being questioned by some reporters)

Max: After my Mom got the shark out of the monster's gills, it calmed down and swam out of the bay.

Mary: But Avalon captured the creature and its being taken to Monster Island at this very moments.

Barbara: So, it's another mother and son duo victory?

Max: Yeah!

Mary: Another victory for team Rosestar and Monster Kid!

Barbara: You know, it's kinda like how your son, Max Stewart aka Monster Kid first meet the Incredibles.

(Max felt speechless)

Max: Oh, right.

(At the Parr Mansion, the Parrs are watching the news)

Max: I saved Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl's daughter from a giant robot attack which was controlled by a supervillain. It was basically my first superhero team up and it was epic!

Violet: Team up?

Dash: Yeah, he did help us out.

Bob: Except we didn't call him.

Helen: To think he was once the little shy boy I saw a few years ago.

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