Monster Kid and the Incredibles vs. Syndrome

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(At the Stewart Mansion, Max starts duplicating into 12 clones and cleaning the kitchen. Afterwards, the kitchen is finished and Max reabsorbs the duplicates)

Max: Now that the kitchen is finished, I can make that pizza.

(Moments later, someone rang the doorbell and Megan rushes to the door)

Megan: I'll get it.

(Megan opens the door and see Syndrome)

Megan: Uh, hello? Can I help you?

Syndrome: Are you Max Stewart aka Monster Kid?

(Max approaches the front door alongside Harold and Cora)

Max: Yes.

Harold: And who are you?

Syndrome: Just a friendly neighbor.............

(Syndrome kicks Harold in the chest, knocking him to the floor)

Megan, Max and Cora: Dad!

(Syndrome grabs Max by the arm)

Syndrome: I'm taking your son, bye!

(Syndrome teleports to Xerek's lair, bringing Max with him) 

Harold: Max!

Cora: No!

(Meanwhile at the arena in Xerek's lair, Syndrome teleports into the center while dropping Max onto the floor)

Max: Ow!

(Max gets back up to confront Syndrome)

Max: Alright buddy, why did you bring me here?

(Max takes one look at Syndrome)

Max: Wait a minute, you're Syndrome! The archenemy of the Incredibles. I thought you were dead.

Syndrome: I'm a clone kid, get use to it.

Max: Okay, so why did you bring me here anyway?

Syndrome: Because he told me too.

Max: Who?

Xerek: (offscreen) Me.

(Max see Xerek on a holographic screen)

Max: Xerek?

Xerek: How nice of you to come Max Stewart or as you like to be called, Monster Kid.

Max: Why did you sent the clone of a supervillain who killed many superheroes, after me? What do you want from me?

Xerek: What I want is your DNA. I planned on creating an army of monsters and take over the world.

Max: What makes you think I'll give you my DNA?

(Xerek pressed another button, causing a section of the floor to open, bringing the Incredibles into the arena)

Max: What the? The Incredibles?!

(Xerek is holding a taser and points it at Jack-Jack)

Mr Incredible and Elastigirl: No!

Dash: Leave Jack-Jack alone.

Xerek: Give me your DNA or else I'll electrocute the Incredibles to death. Better yet, I could launch some missiles at your house, killing your family.

(Max glares at Xerek)

Elastigirl: Max, don't do it! Don't 

(Max sighs as he has no choice)

Max: Fine, you win.

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