Elastigirl and Monster Kid go on patrol

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(At the Super Dome, Max is currently on his way in the break room)

Max: Another day at the Super Dome.

(Max enters the break room and saw a box of doughnuts on the table)

Max: Yes, doughnuts!

(As Max approaches the table, he grabs a glaze doughnut)

Max: Sweet glaze, here I come.

(Before Max could eat the doughnut, he hears some footsteps)

Max: Huh?

(Max turns around and saw nothing)

Max: Hmm? I saw I heard something.

(Max shrugs and by the time he was going to eat it, Elastigirl stretches her arm and grabs the doughnut right out of Max's hands)

Max: Hey!

(Elastigirl eats the doughnut)

Elastigirl: Delicious, thanks for the doughnut Max.

(Max groans)

Elastigirl: Stop groaning and come with me, we're going on patrol.

Max: What?

(Max is standing on a rooftop with Elastigirl)

Max: Okay, we're just standing here on a rooftop, doing nothing!

Elastigirl: Of course we are, superheroes need to know when evil strikes.

Max: I already know that, I am a superhero!

Elastigirl: (smirks) Yes, you're a superhero.

Max: That's right!

Elastigirl: Anyway, we'll be working together since I'm your mentor.

Max: I know.

(Moments later, the sound of people screaming is heard)

Max: What was that?

Elastigirl: Don't know, but we should found out.

(Moments later, people are running away from an army of humanoid silverfish monsters as Max and Elastigirl arrive to the scene)

Max: Silverfish monsters! Uh oh, this has got to be the work of some evil villain. I'm calling them Silver-Men.

(The Silver-Men turn their attention to Max and Elastigirl)

Max: Uh oh.

(The Silver-Men charge at Elastigirl and Max as they get ready in fighting stances)

Elastigirl: Ready?

Max: (nods) Ready.

(Max and Elastigirl fight the Silver-Men)

Elastigirl: I hate bugs.

(Elastigirl stretches her arm and punches three of the Silver-Men as Max transforms into Mega Silverfish, a silverfish kaiju)

(Elastigirl stretches her arm and punches three of the Silver-Men as Max transforms into Mega Silverfish, a silverfish kaiju)

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(Mega Silverfish roars, getting Elastigirl's attention)

Elastigirl: As always, turning into a giant monster.

(Most of the Silver-Men make their way to Mega Silverfish and crawl onto his body. Mega Silverfish tries to get them off, but they keep coming back)

Elastigirl: Don't worry Max, I'm coming......

(One of the Silver-Men locks Elastigirl in a full nelson)

Elastigirl: (unamused) Really?

(Elastigirl simply thins her arms and gets out of the Silver-Man's grip as she punches the creature in the face as she continues to protect civilians from the Silver-Men. Meanwhile, Mega Silverfish gets back on his feet and lets out a shrieking sound that causes pain to the Silver-Men as they roar in pain, collapse onto the ground, unconscious)

Elastigirl: Well, that was quick.

(Later, Avalon agents are putting the Silver-Men in containment cages)

Theodore: We'll need to contain these creatures and study them. Whoever sent them is planning something.

(Max and Elastigirl are standing in front of a crowd of reporters)

Alina: So Max, how did the team-up go?

Max: It was easy that we took down the silverfish monsters.

Elastigirl: Thanks to Monster Kid, I've could've done it without him.

(Max looks at Elastigirl, surprise)

Max: You really mean that?

Elastigirl: I meant every word.

(Max felt touch by Elastigirl's words and smiles)

Max: Wow, that really means a lot to me.

(Max and Elastigirl shake hands, then do a fist pump)

Max: I wonder what surprises does the universe have in store for me.

(Later in the deep reaches of space, a strange looking UFO is currently heading towards Earth)

(Later in the deep reaches of space, a strange looking UFO is currently heading towards Earth)

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The Incredibles: The Dawn of Monster KidWhere stories live. Discover now