Spiral vs. Nano

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(Outside of the Avalon Superhero Academy, Spiral and Nano are glaring at each other)

Seiko: Looks like we're going to witness one of Max's giant monster battles.

(Moments later, a new crews arrives to the scene)

Unnamed male news anchor: We are live at the Avalon Superhero Academy where a battle between Max Stewart aka Monster Kid and the alien creature known as Nano will take place.

(Later at Stewart Mansion, Mary is currently in her room, pregnant, laying on her bed, watching the news on her computer)

Unnamed male news anchor:  This is be the battle of the century.

Mary: Oh no.

(Back at the Avalon Superhero Academy, Nano starts to change his form)

(Everyone is shocked, looking at Nano's new form as he lets out a roar)

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(Everyone is shocked, looking at Nano's new form as he lets out a roar)

Cora: We need to get back inside.

(Cora, Ava, Debbie and Mary Jr. rush back into the school. Eventually, Nano charges at Spiral, who roars and makes his way towards his enemy. Spiral and Nano began to fight with a number of kicks, punches, headbutt and slap attacks. Nano opens his pincer claws and fires a barrage of missiles at the school, causing all the students and teachers to scream in terror, much to Spiral's horror, but the school's defense systems manage to destroy every one of them)

Sophie: Good thing I use this weeks budget for the anti-missile defense system.

(Nano tries attack the school attack, but Spiral swings his tail, sending the nanotech-based monster across the cross, leaving a rut. Nano gets angry and fires energy bullets at Spiral, forcing him to burrow underground. Later, Theodore and a squad of Avalon agents, Rachel, King Blight and Queen Blight arrive)

Theodore: We need to protect the students and everyone else.

Queen Blight: Where's Mary?

Rachel: She's at home.

(Nano is looking at the ground, waiting for Spiral)

Alora: Why Max hasn't come back up yet?

Toby: He's got a plan.

Cora: Max's always has a plan.

(Nano is currently watching out for Spiral when he notice Avalon agents pointing weapons at him as Rachel, King Blight and Queen Blight are getting ready to attack. Nano attempts to destroy them with his energy bullets, Spiral burst out of the ground and starts attacking Nano with laser eye beams, but sooner or later, the nanotech-based kaiju fires a red energy beam at Spiral, who absorbs the beam with his fist, then punches directly into Nano's chest. Nano shrieks in pain when Spiral threw the nanotech-based kaiju into the air and blasted him with a powerful red electric energy beam, pushing Nano into space and causing him to explode. Everyone watches in awe as Spiral lets out a victory roar)

Alora: He did it!

(Alora and everyone else cheered, clapping for Spiral, who lets out another victory roar and transforms back into Max)

Max: I did it, I defeated Nano...........again!

(The Incredibles arrive to the scene)

Mr. Incredible: We're here, where's the..........

Max: Too late, I saved the day again!

Violet: Of course he would.

King Blight: I don't know if Nano is entirely destroyed. I know that kind of nanotechnology. The Nanodyne are living alien nanites that were created to replicate and evolve.

Queen Blight: Then that means............

Theodore: Possibly, Nano survived and will mostly likely return.

Max: If he does come back, we'll be ready for him and I just defeated my first archenemy! I can crossed that off my list.

(Max pulls out a note book and crosses out defeat an archenemy off the list)

Max: Perfect.

(Max looks up to the sky with a determined look on his face)

Max: (speaking in his thoughts) If Nano ever comes back and tries to mess with everyone I care about, I'll be ready for him.

(Later in space, debris of Nano's monster body is seen floating as one of the nanites is showing moving)

(Later in space, debris of Nano's monster body is seen floating as one of the nanites is showing moving)

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(Moments later, a spaceship uses a tractor beam to bring the nanite inside the command center. A crew of aliens have gathered to study it. However, the nanite starts to replicate itself, creating a new body as Nano is able to shapeshift into his true form)

(Eventually, the alien pilots are scared as they back away in fear when they see Nano, who moves towards them menacingly with his eyes glowing

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(Eventually, the alien pilots are scared as they back away in fear when they see Nano, who moves towards them menacingly with his eyes glowing.  Sooner or later, the scene gets dark as Nano starts killing the alien crew in an violent, but unseen way. Afterwards, Nano takes control of the spaceship via technopathy)

Nano: I'll be back for that planet one day and the super enhanced human known as Monster Kid will pay!

(Nano flies into the deep reaches of space, vowing to return to Earth and get revenge on Max)

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