The Awakening of Sarangra

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(At the Stewart Mansion, Max is currently at the backyard, sitting on a lawn chair, thinking about what Zero said)

Zero: We did met at some point, you just don't remember. You'll eventually find out. Until then, I'll be watching you Monster Kid.

Max: Reunion? What is he talking about?

(Megan, Cora, Ava, Debbie, Mary Jr., Adrian and Daisy approach Max)

Cora: Hey Max, are you okay?

Ava: You haven't been yourself lately.

Max: I don't know, it about what Zero said? He thinks we met before, but I've never encounter him before.

(Max sighs as his siblings sit with him)

Max: For some reason, he really wants to destroy me. I'm might have to face this alone.

(Mary Jr. holds Max's hand)

Mary Jr.: You're not alone, you have us, your friends and family always got your back.

(The girls and Adrian give Max a hug, making him smile, knowing he's got his family and friends)

Max: Thank you.

(Daphne screams offscreen, alerting them)

Daphne: Everyone, something's happening!

(Everyone rushes to the living room)

Jade: What is it?

(Daphne points at the TV, which is showing a shoes sale at the mall)

Daphne: There's a shoes sale at the mall!

(Everyone is deadpanned)

Jade: Ugh! That's the sixth time she's done it.

Harold: You were like that when you were 16.

(Jade rolls her eyes, Later at the hidden cave, Zero approaches the mummified creature)

Zero: The creature known as Sarangra, a powerful being from another dimension.

(Zero charges red electricity in his hands and throws it at Sarangra holds, causing the creature to wake up and shed its mummified skin)

(Zero charges red electricity in his hands and throws it at Sarangra holds, causing the creature to wake up and shed its mummified skin)

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(Sarangra roars and looks down at Zero)

Zero: Sarangra, it was I who awoken you, now you could go to the surface and get revenge on the humans who imprisoned you underground.

(Sarangra growls at the mention of humans)

Zero: So you hate humans? Good, now go!

(Sarangra digs his way on to the surface while Zero laughs maniacally and teleports out of the cave. Later, Sarangra burst from the ground and walks onto the surface, roaring while stretching its limbs)

Zero: Excellent.

(At the Avalon headquarters, the computer beeps, detecting the life signals of Sarangra)

Anna: What's happening?

Computer: A monster has been sighted outside of Municiberg. Codename: Sarangra. 

Anna: That can't be good.

(At the Stewart Mansion, the family are watching a news report)

Alina: A giant monster has suddenly appeared outside of Municiberg and currently heading straight into the city.

Mary: Oh no! I need to call Helen!

Max: I wonder if Zero had something to do with it.

Ava: The military won't stop that thing.

Daisy: Maxy, you gotta fight the monster.

Max: Okay, I'll develop insect wings and.........

(Mary clears her throat while looking at Max sternly)

Max: Oh, right.

(Max kisses Mary on the cheek)

Mary: Thank you.

Max: Okay, now I can.......

Daisy: I want a kiss you Maxy.

(Max sighs and gives Daisy a kiss on the cheek)

Max: Okay, I'm leavi........

(Jade clears her throat and places her arms on her hips)

Jade: Max, you're serious leaving without giving me a kiss on the cheek?

Max: Fine.

(Max kisses Jade on the cheek)

Max: I'm leaving now.

(Later, Sarangra is making his way to the city when the army arrives to confront the monster)

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