Vox interrogated/Max's training session/Spore Monsters All-Out Attack

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(At the Avalon faculty, Vox is currently in a cage, suspended in energy wires, designed to restrain him as Theodore approaches him)

Theodore: Don't even try to escape, the wires are designed to electrocute you with you try to move.

(Vox's eye glow red)

Theodore: Tell me who you are?

Vox: I am Vox, the destroyer of worlds. I absorb and assimilate to evolve into becoming the most powerful being in the universe. I took control of this spaceship when I was floating in space.

Theodore: Are there more of your kind?

Vox: Yes, most of them are in the Void, many of my species is spread across the universe.

Theodore: You're a Spore. Why did you attack Max, my nephew?

Vox: You mean the human with powers? I saw through his DNA and I must have it.

Theodore: That won't happened.

Vox: Oh, but it will. Once I break free, I'll destroy everything on this planet.

Theodore: In your dreams.

(Theodore, leaving Vox to become angry)

Vox: This is not over.

(Later at the Stewart Mansion, Max and Daisy are watching the news)

Alina: In later news, the extraterrestrial being known as Vox has been taken in custody by the international superhero/spy organization known as Avalon. The evil being was defeated by my nephew, Max Stewart, who also defeat the supervillain, Underminer.

Max: Yeah, I did.

Alina: We are live at the city park where the mayor is making an announcement about the city's botanical garden.

Max: I fought an alien lifeform? Isn't that great!

Daisy: Maxy's going to fight monsters from space.

(Mary and Harold enter the living room)

Harold: What's this about fighting monsters from space?

Max: Since I defeated Vox, I could pretty much take on any evil being in the universe.

Mary: Max, I know you're happy that you defeated your first arch enemy, who's an alien from another planet, but you need to be prepared for everything, whenever a giant attack attacks the city or aliens invade the planet.

Harold: Which is why your mother and I have called an old friend to train you.

Max: Old friend?

(The scene cuts to Max in the training room at Avalon headquarters with Max going to face off against Elastigirl)

Max: Wait, I gotta fight Elastigirl? Can I train with you instead Mom?

Violet: What's the matter? Monster Kid afraid to train with Elastigirl?

(Dash fist pumps with his older sister)

Max: No, it's not....I just don't wanna.........

Elastigirl: Hurt me?

Max: Uh.............

(Elastigirl charges at Max)

Max: Aah!

(Max moves out of the way before Elastigirl could catch him with her giant hand)

Max: Ha! You miss!

Elastigirl: (smugly) Did I, did I really?

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