Chapter 2 - The Reunion

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Jac hastily walks onto Darwin Ward, her coat is strewn over her arm. Nothing had changed much since she had been here last, it was the same as always.

She eventually, reaches the nurses station where she sits down for five minutes. She grabs a pen and starts clicking it, before writing some things down on paper.

"Ah, Miss Naylor." Henrik says, walking around the corner.

"Mr Hanssen." Jac replies, dropping the pen and standing up.

"How, nice to see you." He replies.

"I would say the same." Jac smiles.

"You know all the rules, that are in place?" He asks, looking at the book in his hands.

"How could I forget?" She smiles, looking at him.

"So, is the office mine again?" She asks, picking up some files.

"Yes, of course." He replies.

"Great." She smiles "Then I'll get to work."

Jac walks into her office, and hangs her coat up.

She sits in the chair which was previously hers, and smiles.

"It's good to be back." She says to herself, she opens her desk drawer and puts some stuff in it.

The paper wish she made, patient files, her phone and a picture of Emma. She takes the locket out of the paper wish and smiles - God  she missed her sister so damn much, even though she would never admit it.

She walks back out onto the Ward, "McKendrick!" She shouts.

Nicky comes running over, dropping some things on the way "Yes, Miss Naylor?"

"Hello, Foetus." Jac smiles, putting her hair in a ponytail.

"I've missed you." Nicky says, trying not to smile.

"Same goes to you." Jac replies, "Now go do obs."

Nicky walks away, and Kian sees Jac and rushes over.

"Jac.." He says, shocked and happy to see her.

"Madani." She replies, watching him like a hawk.

"You don't sound happy, to see me." Kian says, looking down.

"I'm not." She replies "Office, now."

"Ooh, okay." He smiles.

"Sit." She says, pointing to the sofa.

She sits on her desk, and looks at him "Me and Clayton are engaged."

"What?" Kian says with genuine surprise.

"We got engaged, a few months back." She replies "I thought, you should know."

"Well, thanks." He sighs, knowing that he has lost the love of his life - And wasn't getting her back.

"Look I know how you feel about me." She sighs, as she sits at her desk and starts typing on her computer "But I've moved on, you should do the same."

"But, I can't." He replies, looking at the red head who is sitting at the desk.

"Well you can't, pine after me forever."

"I still love you, Jac Naylor." He says, trying to not let her hear the heartbreak in his voice.

"Save that love, for someone who cares." She says, not bothering to look at him "I've had enough of you and your stupid whining, get out."


"Get out!" She shouts, slamming her hands down on her desk.

Kian leaves and stands outside the office door, Jac sighs and decides to head home for the night.


Jac returns home, and smells cooking.

"What are you, cooking?" She asks, hanging her coat up.

"Curry." Clayton replies, starting to dish it up.

"Looks nice." Jac says, walking into the dining room and sitting at the table.

"So, how was your first day?" Clayton asks, putting her plate down in front of her with a extra bowl of salad.

"Perfect, thanks." She smiles, kissing his cheek.

Jac starts to dig into her curry, and she watches Clayton closely.

"What's wrong?" She asks, wondering why her fiancé is so distant.

"Just worried." He replies.

"About, what?" Jac asks, putting her spoon down and standing up.

"You, what if you get back with Madani?" Clayton replies, turning to look at her.

"Well that isn't going to happen, I promise." She smiles, walking up to him and hugging him.

"You can't promise that." He says, pushing her away.

"I can." She replies "I gave up on him, a long time ago."

"Well, that isn't good enough!" Clayton shouts, tossing his plate at the wall in which instantly smashes and curry goes all over the wall.

Jac is shocked by the sound the plate makes for a second, before turning to look at him "What the hell?"

"I'm sorry, it was just an accident." He replies, with a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Hey.." she says, hugging him "It's okay, I've got you."

As they hug, Clayton grins - A chilling grin.

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