Chapter 57 - You Can't...

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Jac rubs her head, she doesn't know how to feel anymore.

She knows she loves him, but he's done some terrible things.

She turns around, and walks back into the office, "Kian, you need help."

"What?" He says, confused.

"Either you get help, or we're done permanently."

"I-" He starts to say, before she interrupts him.

"I'll take you back to Canada, myself. I will chuck you on that plane, and I will not let you destroy yourself again. I will not let this addiction, take over again."

" can't.." He replies, looking into her eyes.

"I have to, it's what's best for the kids." Jac says.

He can clearly see the pain in her eyes, he feels like he's failed her - yet again.

Just then there is a knock on the door, "Come in!" Jac shouts.

Kathleen walks in with Noah, "Hi, Jac." She smiles, kindly.

"Hello." Jac replies, as she takes Noah off her.

"Thank you."

"No problem." Kathleen says, walking out.

Jac smiles down at Noah, "It's okay, mummy is here now."

"Jac..I'm so sorry." Kian says, looking down.

"If you mean it, then you'll go. You'll go get better."

"I can't.."

"There are no cants here Kian, either you're in this relationship or your not."

"What you are asking me is so unfair, how many times have I risked my life and job for you?" She says, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"So if you are in this, then you need to get help."

"I can't do that again." He replies, and she sighs.

"Well then, you'll need to cancel any plans for the wedding. As it isn't happening now." She says, walking out of the room.

"Jac! Wait!" He says, going to grab her arm.

She turns around to face him, yet again.

"What? What do you want?"

"You, I want you!" He responds, "I want my family!"

Jac walks away, and gives Noah to a nurse "Look, after him for five minutes, please."

She walks back to Kian, "If you did really want us, drugs wouldn't win all the time would they?"

"Jac I promise, I'm done with them now."

"I really wish I could believe you." She sighs, "But the trust I had, died a long time ago."

"Jac, you have to listen to me. You have to believe me."

"Go, go to rehab and maybe I will."

"I don't want to leave you, I can't do this without you."

"Yeah, and I can't leave the kids by themselves." She replies, "You need professional help, not what I can offer you."

"I just need you, nothing else."

"I wish that was true, but it isn't." Jac says, sitting on the sofa.

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