Chapter 19 - An Incapable Mother?

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It has been two months since the incident with Kian happened, he was back at work but of course McGerry put him straight back on desk duty. He tried to fight it, but knew it was for the best.

He's also been trying his best to get Jac back, every chance he can but it's not working the way he's planned.

He had realised that some colleagues had been chatting her up, and he had warned them off.

"For goodness sake!" Jac shouts, walking out of her office.

"What's wrong?" Kian asks, smirking for a second before looking up.

"My date for tonight, has cancelled." She says, rubbing her head "Honestly, I don't know what I've done wrong."

"Maybe I'm right, maybe you and me are destined." He says, writing some stuff down on some paper.

"Right, well I need to go and pick Emma up." She says, leaving.

Kian smiles, and watches her walk away.

Half an hour later...

Jac reaches the cafe where she picks Emma up from, and sees Jonny sitting there with a crying Emma.

Jac walks up to them "Emma, hey baby what's wrong?" She asks, stroking her hair.

"Daddy told me, that once you have the baby you'll love me less." Emma says, crying some more.

"Mummy wouldn't do that." Jac replies, glaring up at Jonny "Clearly, we need to talk."

Jonny stands up and follows her to a separate table, while watching Emma.

"Why are you telling her that?" Jac asks, clearly shocked and confused.

"I just thought I would warn her, before she ends up with seeing you once in a blue moon." He says, crossing his arms.

"I wouldn't do that to her, the last time I did that it was what was best for her - I had a bloody breakdown." She says, "That doesn't make me, an incapable mother."

"Personally I think it does, I mean who knows what harm you could bring to her?" Jonny replies.

"I would never bring harm to my daughter!" Jac shouts, raising her arm for a second - before she grasps reality and puts it back down.

"I'm taking my daughter home, with me." Jac says, standing up.

"You all saw that, didn't you?" Jonny says to the people in the cafe.

They just ignore him, and Jac walks back over to Emma.

"Mummy, why are you and daddy fighting?" Emma asks, clearly more upset from the confrontation.

"It's nothing, baby." Jac says, taking Emma's hand and starting to walk out.

Jonny stops her "You aren't taking Emma anywhere, Emma come here."

Emma stays holding onto Jac's hand, "I want to go, with mummy."

"No, you want to come with daddy." He says "Don't you?"

"No!" Emma says, grabbing onto Jac's arm.

"Emma, it's okay." Jac says, looking at Jonny.

"Just let us go Jonny, I won't hurt my daughter." She replies.

"And I know you hate me, it's mutual really." She starts "But we have Emma together, so we have to be civil no matter how much we think, the other will hurt her."

"Now, you're saying that I might hurt my daughter?" He says, with rage filling his eyes.

He walks forward and hits Jac across the face with such force, she falls to the ground.

"Mummy!" Emma says, running next to her and shaking her.

"I'm fine, Emma." Jac says, grabbing her stomach and trying to stand up.

A woman pipes up "I'll call an, ambulance."

"I'm fine." Jac says, as she suddenly feels pain in her stomach "Or maybe, not."

Thirty-seven minutes later...

"Jac Naylor, 42 year old female, 39 weeks pregnant, a bit of a head wound, contractions." The paramedic says, wheeling her along.

She is taken down to maternity, and to a room.

The midwife walks in "So Jac, anyone you want me to call?"

"Yeah, call Madani." Jac says, holding onto the edge of the bed.

"Okay, I'll get someone to do it." The midwife replies, walking out.

Jac starts to pace around the room, her pains getting worse "Oh god, why did you have to come now?" She says, looking down at her stomach.

"Couldn't you have waited for mummy, to be more ready?"

Kian rushes in "Jac, I'm here." He smiles, walking up to her.

He starts to rub her back, "What are you doing?" She asks, standing still.

"I read it helps with pain."

"God if you cared about pain so much, you wouldn't of put me in this much pain - would you?" She says, as another contraction passes.

"It takes two to tango, Naylor." Kian replies.

"You're the one who got me, in this situation." Jac says, looking at him like she wants to kill him.

Another contraction comes, and she grabs his hand and squeezes.

"Ow!" He shouts, making a face.

"Shut up!" Jac shouts at him "You don't get to make a noise, you don't have a human making their way out of your body."

"Okay, okay." He says "I'm not pushing a human, out of my body."

"That's what I thought." Jac says, giving him her Naylor death stare.

He helps her onto the bed, as the midwife comes back in.

"Right, I need to check if we're ready okay?" The midwife says, as Jac nods her head.

"Yep, we just need you to start pushing." The midwife smiles, Jac grabs Kian's hand and squeezes as the contractions start again - worse this time.

"Right I need you to pant now, pant!" The midwife says.

"Push! Push!"

Jac squeezes Kian's hand again "God! I hate you Madani!"

"I'm not going near you again, after this!"

"You know you want, to Naylor." He smiles, teasing her.

"Out of all the times you decide to try and tease me, it has to be when I'm giving birth to our child. Seriously?" She screams, squeezing his hand harder.

"I can see the head!" The midwife says, she looks up at Kian "Would you like to see?"

"Yeah, sure." Kian smiles, letting go of Jac's hand and walking over.

As soon as he sees the head he faints, and Jac looks disgusted "Oh my God? Really?"

"So first he teases me, and then he faints. God where has his manly man, gone?" She says, panting.

"Madani! Get up you wimp!" She shouts, eventually he stands back up.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before." She says, quite cheekily.

Eventually after seven hours of pushing, fighting, insults and shouting a cry is heard - Jac and Kian smile at each other, for the first time in a long time.

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