Chapter 14 - Naylor Death Stare

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Jac wakes up in a cold sweat, she sits up and sighs.

Kian wakes up instantly as he feels her moving, "Hey, are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah.." Jac lies, sighing.

"The nightmares..." She says, rubbing her eyes "They're starting again."

He pulls her into a hug and smiles "Well, I'm here if you need me and I can sing if needed."

"No I don't think that's needed." Jac laughs, standing up and walking into the bathroom.

She grabs some clothes from the laundry basket, and puts them on.

She brushes her teeth, and then re-emerges "I'm going to make some food now."

"Okay." He smiles, laying back down.

"I expect you down in fifteen minutes." Jac says, smiling as she walks out of the door.

Jac walks downstairs and into the kitchen, she pulls out a frying pan from one of the cabinets and opens the fridge pulling out sausages, black pudding and some white pudding.

Elliot walks downstairs and smiles "I'll help you." He says, walking over and chopping up some vegetables.

"This is a lot for breakfast isn't it?" He asks.

"No not really, it's going to be a healthy fry up." She says, cooking the sausages.

An hour later...

They are all sitting at the dining table eating, Jac has already finished and is eating some doughnuts.

"And they say I'm the bad one, doughnuts straight after breakfast?" Kian smiles, joking.

"Well I have a reason too, unlike you who is just greedy." She says, smirking.

"So, when are you due?" Elliot asks, putting his fork down.

"In around five or six months." Jac says, putting her doughnut down.

"We do need to tell the team soon though, or they'll just think you're fat." Kian says, getting one back.

"Hey!" She says, looking at him with her trademark 'Naylor death stare'.

"Today, we will tell the team." Jac sighs, rubbing her head "No need to rush."

Two hours later...

"So, can everyone gather around please?" Kian asks, standing at the nurses station.

"I have better things to be doing." Chloe says, picking up some files.

"It'll only take five minutes, Chloe." Kian replies, snatching Jac as she walks past.

"Really, now?" Jac asks, as she rolls her eyes.

"There better be some sort of benefit, after this." Jac whispers, in Kian's ear.

"So as you know that we are now engaged, we would like to announce that we are having a baby!" Kian says beaming , he takes out a picture of the scan.

"Oh my God, shut the front door!" Nicky says, running over and taking it off him "An actual baby?!"

"Yeah, one that moves, vomits, babbles, needs a bath, can use a toilet." Jac says sarcastically "Y'know a baby?"

Nicky rolls her eyes at that comment, and passes the picture to Chloe.

Chloe looks at the picture and smiles "Congratulations, how far are you now?"

"Fifteen weeks." Jac says, looking excited for once.

"Wow don't know how you kept it a secret from, Foghorn McKendrick over there." Chloe says, passing the picture back "Best of luck." She smiles.

"Yeah, thanks." Jac says, putting it in her pocket.

Jac walks into the office, and slumps down in her chair.

"Somethings wrong." Kian says walking in "Somethings up with you."

"Nothing is up with me." Jac lies, putting her glasses on and reading an email she's received "Just because I look sad or angry, doesn't mean something is wrong."

"For godsake!" Jac says, slamming her hand down on her desk.

"Woah, woah." Kian says, trying to calm her down "What's wrong?"

"Why can't he just leave me alone?" Jac says, wanting to curl up into a ball.

"He's dead, dead people don't keep popping up!"

"Hey, it's okay." Kian replies, putting his arm on her shoulder.

"No it's not okay!" She says, removing his hand "I have to go collect his stuff from the prison, as I'm his next of Kin."

"What?" Kian says, surprised.

"He had me down as his next of Kin." Jac sighs, walking out of the room "I'll be back later."

Five minutes after Jac leaves, there is a knock on the door "Come in!" Kian shouts.

And in walks Marty "Hey, can I stay with you for a bit?"

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