Chapter 31 - The Monster Inside

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Tw - Harassment, and abuse mentions.

It doesn't really match up to the Holby Storylines, but I wanted to do something sort of different :)

Jac is downstairs with Harriet, she lays on the floor next to the baby and passes her a rattle.

Kian watches them and smiles, he'd hoped after everything with the wedding that she would calm down - but she was more distant than ever.

"Jac, can we talk?" He asks, walking up to her.

"Why should we?" She asks, looking up at him.

"I just want my wife back."

"I am still your wife." She replies, playing with Harriet still.

"No you're someone completely different, after you saw that man." Kian says, watching her behaviour.

"It was nothing." Jac says, standing up and putting Harriet in her rocker.

"Now I'm going to work, okay?" She says, walking away clearly angry.

"Jac, wait please..."

"I need to get to work, Madani." Jac replies, storming out the door.

30 minutes later...

Jac walks into work the back way, taking the stairs.

She starts walking up the stairs when she hears footsteps behind her, she thinks it's someone non important.

"Jackie, how nice to see you again." The person says, coldly.

She turns to see that cold glare, "Not you again..."

"Yeah, me." The person smiles, like a psychopath

"What do you want from me?" Jac asks, backing away from him "Why are you here?"

"The truth is I miss you, so much." He smiles, walking up to her and cupping her chin "What we had was fun, we can have something like that again."

Jac slaps his hand away, and slams him into a wall holding him there.

"We didn't have anything, it might of been something in your messed up little world, but not mine."

"Ooh look Jackie, has finally found some strength to stand up to me!"

"I want you gone, out of my life and this hospital." She says, trying to keep herself calm "Now!"

"I don't think I'm going to." He grins.

"Please, just leave." Jac says, not loosening her grip on him

"I want you back Jackie, I miss you."

"I don't miss you." She says, letting go of him.

She starts to walk away, but he then pushes her up against the wall.

"What are you doing!?" Jac asks, trying to fight him off.

Then she freezes, she tries to say, shout or do something but the words just won't form.

His hands start to wonder, over her body.

She wants to fight back, but she can't.

Those hands, the hands that made you sick every time they touched you.

Every time it was your fault, you always got the blame.

But you knew it was, true.

"See, I knew you'd enjoy my company Jackie." He smiles, manically again.

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