Chapter 62 - Good Luck

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Jac takes Kian's hand as they wait outside the doctors office, "I don't know if I want to do this.." she sighs, looking down anxiously.

"It's okay we've got this." He replies , holding her hand tighter.

"Jac Naylor, to room 3." A voice over the intercom sounds.

They get up, and knock on the door.

"Come in!" Says a cheerful voice, a young woman Doctor.

"Hi!" She says cheerfully again, "I'm doctor Bryan."

"I'm Jac, and this is Kian." Jac says, pointing at him.

"Please take a seat." Doctor Bryan, smiles.

"So you're here to get information on IVF?" She asks, tapping her pen on the desk.

"Yeah, we're hoping you'll accept us." Kian smiles, as Jac's grip on his hand gets harder.

"Well we'll need to do tests, and make sure you can afford it." The doctor says, "I'll need to take blood tests, and medication will be involved."

Kian looks at the ground and then looks up, "How much medication?"

"She'll have to take injections of Gonadotropins, as that'll help her produce more eggs." The doctor smiles, "So there will be more chance of a embryo being successful."

"How much will I have to take it?" Jac pipes up.

"At least for a week." Doctor Bryan says, typing up on her computer.

Jac rubs her head, "Great lots of medication then..."

Kian looks at her "It's okay, I'll be here every step of the way I promise."

She smiles at him, and then turns to the doctor "So when can we get the blood tests done?"

"Uh, I think it's best that we get them done today." Doctor Bryan replies.

"Yeah, that would be good." She sighs, standing up.

"Right, If you'd like to lay on this chair for me." Doctor Bryan says picking some kits up, "Then, we can start to take blood."

Jac nods and lays on the chair, she looks over at Kian for a bit of support.

He smiles, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere."

The doctor takes out a needle, and places it into Jac's arm. Jac quivers, and makes a pained face but is fine.

"So uh Doctor, how much should this all cost?" Kian asks, looking up from the leaflet he was reading.

"Well the IVF, all together will most likely cost around £5,000. Maybe more."

Kian drops the leaflet he was holding, and Jac smiles "How much did you think it would cost? £50?"

Kian laughs for second, "Well I just hope it's worth it."

"I'm sure it will be." Doctor Bryan, smiles.

Eventually after fifteen minutes, all blood is taken.

"Right they should be back, in around two days." The doctor says, putting them in a packet "Goodbye!"

"Bye!" Jac and Kian say in unison, as they leave and head home.

"So all of this and we might not even get a baby." Jac sighs, sitting in the passengers seat.

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