Chapter 69 - What To Say?

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"Mummy, what we doing today?" Harriet asks, emerging from the kitchen.

"We're going horse riding!" Emma shouts from upstairs.

"Horsie?" Harriet says, walking up to Jac.

"Yeah, daddy signed us up while we're here."

"Yay!" Harriet smiles running around.

Kian walks downstairs, his hair all messy.

"What on earth is, going on with your hair?" Jac asks, walking up to him and huffing annoyed.

"Uh, I've just woken up." He replies, as she grabs some hair gel from the side and splatters it on his hair - rubbing it in "I swear, if you keep your hair like that..."

"Oh yeah, what will you do?" Kian grins, wrapping his hands around her and kissing her.

Jac she kisses him back, and then pulls herself away "Not in front of the kids Madani."

Kian rolls his eyes and kisses her again, but for longer this time.

"Kian!" She laughs, and pulls herself away again.

"You know you liked it." He smiles, and grabs some food.

"Kids! Let's go!" Jac shouts upstairs.

Emma and Harriet run downstairs, and Kian is sitting with Noah.

"Right should we go then?" Kian asks, standing up and taking hold of Noah's buggy.

"Yeah, we should." Jac says, grabbing the kids coats and puts them on the sofa.

Five minutes later, everyone is in the car and Kian is driving.

"I swear, you better not kill us." She says, looking at the road.

"I'm not going to, I know how to drive Naylor." He smiles, and takes his eyes off the road for a second.

"Keep your eyes on the road, you moron!" Jac sighs, and looks back at the kids.

Noah and Harriet are asleep, and Emma is staring out the window extremely bored. Once Emma notices Jac looking at her, she asks a question "Mum, where are we going?"

Jac sighs and turns to look at Emma again, "Like I said earlier, we are going to go ride some horses."

"Okay." Emma replies, turning back and staring out the window again.

Jac returns to stare at the road in front of her, she was getting bored as well "Why did you have to find a place, so far away?!"

"Jac uh, we've been in the car fifteen minutes." Kian replies, his expression confused.

Jac rolls her eyes, "I don't care! It still feels long."

"Yeah yeah, whatever Naylor." He says, as they start to pull into a car park.

"Oh uh, we're here already?" Jac asks, sort of embarrassed.

"Yeah we're here." Kian smiles, parking up.

Jac starts to get out of the car, and helps Noah out and slowly puts him in his buggy.

They see some people ride by on horses, and walk inside.

"Hmmm, horses." Jac says shivering a bit, "Not very fond of them."

"Oh well, it's for the kids." He smiles, knocking into her shoulder a bit "Come on Naylor, lighten up! Have some fun!"

"I don't like fun." Jac replies, taking Noah's buggy and walking through the entrance of the building.

"No course you don't." Kian says under his breath, as he walks in with Harriet and Emma.

"Hi there! You must be Jac Naylor, Kian Madani?" The cheery woman approaching from the back says.

"Yeah, that's us." Jac sighs, looking around a bit. She hated the smell of horses, so why did she agree to this?

"Right we'll if you'd like to come this way, we'll see what horses suit best." The woman says, walking into the stables.

Jac sighs, and gives Noah to a nanny so they could go off.

Harriet rushes through the stables and finds a small Shetland pony "Hi there!" She giggles, and strokes it.

The pony looks up at her, "Who's this?" She asks the woman.

"Oh that, that's Prince." The woman smiles.

"More importantly what's your name?" Jac asks, crossing her arms.

"Uh, Kelly Newth."

"Hmmm." Jac says, turning to look at a horse.

This one catches her attention, "Hello, there." She approaches the horse and strokes it's head.

"Oh that's, Duke!" Kelly smiles, "He might try to kill you, but he's a good horse."

"Oh I like him." Jac smiles and gently strokes him again.

Duke nuzzles into her a bit, and she smiles "Not trying to kill me yet, eh?"

Emma finds herself a Shetland pony too, she's called Honey.

Jac grabs a halter and tries to put it on Duke, he moves his head as quickly has he can.

"No fair!" She sighs, trying again "You move too fast!"

She eventually gets it on him, and ties him up outside so she can put his stuff on "Kelly, help now."

"What's the magic word?" Kelly asks, crossing her arms.

"Please...please." Jac says, looking at the floor.

Kelly walks over and helps her get the tack on bridle, blanket, saddle etc.

"Ugh, why am I doing this like five months pregnant?" She questions to herself.

One of the babies kick for a second, and Jac stops "Ow! Why now out of all times?"

Kian walks over and bends down, "Hey there little one, please don't kick mummy at the moment."

"Only kick her when she's eating, so I can have the rest of her food." He smiles.

Jac slaps him playfully, "No don't kick mummy, unless you need to."

Later on, they are going on a small trail ride.

"I don't think this was a good idea for me." Jac says, as Duke tries kill her for the 700th time.

Kian smiles, "You'll be fine."

"If I die, it'll be on you." She says, trying to control Duke again.

He starts to sprint and buck a bit, and she falls.

"Ahhhh!" She hits the ground.

Kian gets off the horse he was riding and runs over to her, he helps her up.

She slowly stands up, "Yeah, that was uh totally fun."


Jac returns back from the hospital later on, tears following from her eyes.

"Jac, what's happened?" Kian asks, patting the space beside him.


What was she going to say?

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