Chapter 7 - I love you too

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It has been two weeks since everything had happened, and Jac was settling back into work.

Kian was downstairs making her some breakfast, "I can do that myself." She smiles, walking up to him and kissing him.

"I know, but I wanted your first day back to be special." He smiles, flipping over some pancakes.

"Ooh, pancakes." She says, snatching one from his plate.

"Hey!" He says, trying to take it back "That's my thing to do."

"It's my first day back." She smiles, as Emma comes downstairs.

"Mummy, am I going to work with you?" Emma asks, sitting at the dining table

"No, the nanny has you today." Jac replies, putting natural yogurt and berries on her pancakes.

"Can't I come with you today?" Emma asks, as Kian puts pancakes in front of her.

"No, it's better that you stay here." Jac says "It's an early start tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay, mummy." Emma replies starting to eat her pancakes.


Jac and Kian walk into work together, but she freezes at the entrance.

He walks back to her "Hey, it's okay I've got you."

"No, I can't do this." Jac says, trying to walk away, but Kian stops her.

"Yes you can, I'm here." He smiles, taking her hand.

"You want people to see me and you holding hands, in public?" She asks,  a bit disgusted but delighted.

"You're my girlfriend, I love you." He smiles "Let's show the world."

"Yeah..." she smiles, looking at him "But I don't think I can come back to work, not yet."

"You can, I'll be there every step of the way." He says, putting his arm around her.

"Okay, then." Jac says, as they walk into the hospital hand in hand.

"It's nice seeing you smile." He says, once they get in the lift.

Sacha runs up and shouts "Hold the lift!"

Kian does so, and Sacha walks in.

"Oh my god." Sacha says looking at their hands "You two are back together?"

"Yeah, we are." Jac says, looking down at her shoes.

"Well I must say I wasn't expecting that." He says, patting Jac's shoulder he mouths.      'tell me everything later.'

Jac laughs, and turns to Kian "Have you got any operations today?"

"Yeah, but only two." He says, eating some sweets.

"It's literally nine in the morning, why are you eating sweets?" Jac asks, screwing her face up in disgust "You only just ate breakfast."

"Well I'm hungry and they are good." Kian replies, putting one in her hand.

She instantly chucks it back at him, "I don't think so."

"Oh come on, you know they are nice." He says, going to eat another one but before he can - they are snatched out of his hand.

Jac looks at him pleased with herself, she starts to eat them "If you can, I can." She smiles.

"Hey, I'm supposed to steal the food!"

"Well that's me, today." She smirks, playing with his emotions.

"Living with you, just makes me extra hungry." She laughs.

"Get a room." Sacha says, as he rolls his eyes, the lift stops at his floor and he gets out the lift.

When the lifts doors close, Jac backs Kian into a corner of the lift and they start to kiss.

As soon as the lift doors open, they go back to standing side by side.

They walk out onto Darwin together, Jac heads to the office and puts her coat up.

Kian comes behind her and wraps his arms around her waist "I've booked a restaurant for tonight." He whispers in her ear.

"Have you now?" She says, smiling.

She turns and they start to kiss again, before being interrupted by none other than - McKendrick.

"Shut the front door!" Nicky says, dropping her files.

"McKendrick." Jac says, breaking away from the kiss.

"You two are together?!" She says, shocked.

"Yeah, now go do your work." Jac says, sitting in her chair.

Eventually after Kian had calmed Nicky down, and she had left they sit down to talk.

"I was thinking, we should tell the Ward about us." Kian says, looking into Jac's eyes.

"You really want that?" She asks, leaning into his shoulder.

"Yeah, I do." He smiles "I love you, Jac Naylor."

She beams up at him, and they walk out to the nurses station together.

"Can I have your attention!" Jac shouts, drawing everyone's attention to them.

"I'm sure by now McKendrick has told you, that  Mr Madani and I are together." Jac smiles, as he puts his arm around her.

"I love you too." She whispers in his ear.

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