Chapter 35 - Mummy's here

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Jac slowly emerges from the bathroom, and walks back to AAU.

She disposes of the tests, and returns to Harriet's bedside.

"Mummy." Harriet says, looking up at her.

"Hey." Jac smiles, down at the small child.

"Daddy say, that he go pick Emmy up." Harriet says, looking around.

Jac rubs Harriet's head "I'm sure he'll be back soon."

Ange walks up to them "Jac, we have reviewed scans and done tests." She says "You can take her home in a minute, once I've cleaned up her wound and stitched it."

"Will that hurty?" Harriet asks, looking up at Jac.

"It will, but mummy will be here." She smiles, as she passes her, her toy rabbit.

"Wabbit." Harriet says, hugging onto the rabbit.

Ange takes out a suture kit, and some cleaning tools.

"This will sting, a little bit okay?"

"Otay." Harriet replies, as she holds on tighter to her rabbit.

Ange eventually finishes cleaning up her injury, and Harriet is discharged.

Jac helps her put her coat on, and then picks her up.

"Let's go home, hey?" Jac smiles, as she tickles Harriet a bit.

"Mummy, stop!" Harriet says, as she starts to giggle.

Just as they are leaving, Kian walks up with Emma.

"Daddy!" Harriet says, looking at him excited.

"Hey." He smiles, kissing her forehead.

"Hi, Harriet." Emma smiles, up at her.

"Emmy!" Harriet says, reaching down.

Jac puts her down on the floor and she toddles over to Emma.

"Pick up." Harriet says, reaching her arms up.

"I think, Emma isn't strong enough to do that." Jac smiles.

Emma picks Harriet up, but can barely hold her.

"You're too big!" Emma replies, laughing a tiny bit.

"No you too big." Harriet replies, as Jac picks her back up.

"Right, let's go home?" She says, just wanting to rest.

"Yeah, lets." Kian smiles, as they all walk home together.

Thirty minutes later...

"I think we should play, a game." Kian smiles, as they all sit around the dining table.

"Right, how about I ask you some riddles?" Jac says, looking at him.

"Sure." Kian replies.

"Mum, ask me first." Emma smiles, sitting up.

"What has a shower, but doesn't get wet?" She asks, looking like she's about to laugh.

"Uh?" Emma says, looking puzzled.

"Even I can't get that one." Kian says, screwing his eyes up to think.

"Horsie?" Harriet says, looking up at Jac.

"No, it's not a horse." Jac smiles, "Any guesses?"

"Uh, a tap?" Emma asks, looking down.

"Kian?" She says, turning to look at him expectantly.

"I don't know, a fence?" Kian says, clearly confused.

"No." Jac laughs "I'll try a different one."

"I'm small but very important. I'm free to make but expensive to maintain. I'm noticeable but you cannot see me. What am I?"

"I know!" Kian shouts excitedly "A garden!"

"No?" Jac says, looking at him confused.

"Mum, why do you make these things hard?" Emma asks, sighing.

"Because, that's what mummy's are for." Jac smiles.

"Baby." Harriet says, looking at Jac.

Jac looks down at Harriet and smiles "Well, it seems we have a winner."

"What?" Kian and Emma, say in unison.

"I'm pregnant." Jac replies, turning to look at them both.

Kian looks shocked, "Pregnant?!"

"Yeah." Jac smiles "A reason to be happy, I hope?"

Kian stands up and hugs Jac, "I can't believe we're having another one."

"Neither can I." She smiles, looking into his eyes.

She plants a kiss on his lips, and turns to Emma who has put her hands over her eyes.

"Ew." Harriet says, sticking her tongue out.

"I have a private scan, booked for tomorrow." Jac says, whispering in Kian's ear.

He smiles, at her and they return to the table.

The next day...

Jac and Kian walk hand in hand, into the private clinic and sit together.

"Can't wait to see it's little face." Kian smiles, as they wait to be called in.

"Kian, it might not even have a face yet." Jac replies, huffing.

"Aw, your hormones are kicking in already." He jokes.

Jac looks at him, very unimpressed "One more word out of you, and you'll find yourself six feet under, understood?"

"Yeah." Kian replies, as the nurse walks out.

"Jacqueline Naylor?" She says.

"Yeah, that's me." Jac says, standing up.

They walk into the room together, and Jac lays on the blue chair.

"So this will be cold." The nurse says, as she applies the gel to Jac's stomach.

"I know." Jac replies "I've done this, twice."

"Right  well then, let's see how baby is doing."

Kian takes Jac's hand, as they wait for the nurse to find the heartbeat.

"There it is, a perfect little heartbeat." The nurse smiles, as she turns the screen to them.

"Aw, they're perfect." Kian smiles, Jac turns and smiles at him.

"Another mini version of us." She says, clearly feeling more positive.

"Yeah, hey what's the bet for this one being a boy?" He says to her, a bit smiley.

"Madani!" She smiles, hitting his hand away "Whatever this baby is, I'm sure they'll be just perfect."

"Yeah, I'm sure they will." Kian smiles, at her.

"What if this baby, doesn't stay?" She asks, looking at him sadly.

"I promise, it will." He says, holding her hand tighter "You shouldn't think like that."

"Yeah, you're right." She smiles, even though deep inside she doesn't feel like it's going to be okay.

"Would you like some photos?" The nurse asks.

"Yeah." Jac smiles, as the nurse hands them to her.

Jac and Kian leave the room together laughing and smiling, looking at their baby.

Happiness was something they hoped they had forever, but how long before something bad happened?

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