Chapter 3 - I'll look after you

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Kian sits watching his TV, it's 2:35am in the morning and he was lonely, tired and so many other things.

But he couldn't sleep, if he did all he would see would be her - And the face, the face she made the last time he relapsed.

He often wonders what she is doing, and whether she misses him but he knows that, that is stupid.


Jac sits on the edge of her bed, sleeping is out of the question. She knows exactly what Kian said, was true - But she wasn't going to admit that was she?

'You can't tell him.' She tells herself, trying to ignore everything she was feeling.

"What are you doing?" Asks the voice, of Clayton.

"Just thinking." She replies, turning on the lampshade and turning to look at him.

"About?" He says, expectantly.

"Nothing." She lies, getting under the duvet.

"You was thinking about him, wasn't you?" Clayton asks, looking her straight in the eyes.

"I was thinking about us." Jac replies, laying her head down on her pillow.

"You never think about us." He says, rubbing his hands through his hair.

"I do." She exhales "I care about you."

Clayton leans forward and kisses her, they start to kiss for a second before he gets pushed away. He tries again, but this time she pushes him away harder.

"Stop!" Jac says irritated, she stands up and walks into the bathroom.

She stares at herself in the mirror, 'Who have I become?' She asks herself.

'Where has the real Jac Naylor gone?'

She feels panicked being in the same house as that, man.

But what she doesn't hear, is the door open behind her and someone walk in.

"What are you planning, Jac?" The chilling voice, demands.

"Nothing." She lies, through her teeth.

"I hate it when you lie to me." He says, with that cheerless face.

Suddenly, Clayton grabs her by her hair and pulls her towards him.

"There is nothing to tell!" She shrieks, trying to fight him off.

"Deny it, and I'll pull harder." He growls

"Okay fine!" She shouts, "Of course me and Madani still have feelings for each other, but I wouldn't act on them."

He lets go of her hair, and looks at her with sad eyes "I'm really sorry, just the stress of everything."

He goes to hug her, but she pushes him away.

"Jac, please forgive me." He says, with a regretful tone in his voice.

She looks into his eyes, and then looks away "I don't know if I can."

"I just don't want to lose you." He replies, turning on the waterworks.

Jac walks out of the room, and heads to work trying to keep her emotions in check.

"I'm going to sort this out, once and for all." He says to himself, grinning from ear to ear.


There is a knock at Kian's door, he answers it to Clayton.

Kian doesn't get the chance to say anything before Clayton punches him, and a fight ensues.

Clayton is instantly on the floor, with Kian on top of him punching him.

This ensues for ten minutes, both looking worse for wear. Before Clayton grabs something, and brings it down on Kian's head - Knocking him out cold.

"That's what, you deserve." Clayton, says manically "Try and do anything like that again, and I'll kill you - She's mine."

Clayton then takes his phone out of his pocket, and calls 999.

"I need an ambulance please, a man has been attacked." Clayton says, feigning panic "Yeah, my friend he attacked me and I had to defend myself."

"Yeah, he felt like a danger to me." He says, to the person on the other side of the phone.

"No, he attacked first." Clayton replies "I had no intention of doing anything, until he got too aggressive."

Clayton tells them the address, he then hangs up and bends down next to Kian.

He watches the blood seep out of his head, and smiles "What are you going to do now?"

"When I tell her what you did, she won't want you." He laughs, clearly deranged.

"And then, it'll just be me, her and Emma."

When he hears the police sirens and ambulance sirens, he starts to act like he was trying to help Kian.

They eventually arrive at the hospital, and Kian is taken to Darwin Ward.

"41 year old male, Kian Madani." The paramedic says pushing the bed "Serious head injury, impact on face and stomach."

Jac rushes up to them "He has a pulse?"


Jac breathes a sigh of relief, "It's okay, I'm here." She smiles, taking his hand.

"Who found him, what happened?" She asks, clearly bewildered.

"I did." Clayton says, standing behind them.

"So?" Jac says, walking towards him.

"I went over to his house to sort some things out, and he just went for me." Clayton says "I had to defend myself, look at these bruises." He shows her, on his head and arms.

"I'm so sorry." She says hugging him "I would of never thought, he was like that."

She starts to cry into him.

"I'll look after you now." Clayton says, stroking her head "You're safe."

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