Chapter 37 - I've Got You

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Jac lays in bed, with Apricot laying asleep next to her.

Apricot's head was resting, on Jac's stomach. Which was making her a bit uncomfortable, but she didn't want to disturb her.

"Hey." Kian says quietly, as he walks in holding a cup of coffee.

"Hey." Jac smiles, as she slowly strokes the top of Apricot's head.

He sits on the edge of the bed, and starts to drink his coffee.

"So you had time to make yourself a drink, but not one for you wife?" Jac, pouts.

"Oooh, I'm very sorry." Kian grins, waving the coffee around her face.

"What the hell?!" She says, as she clamps her hand over her mouth.

She jumps up waking Apricot in the process, she rushes into the bathroom and throws up.

Kian places his coffee down and walks into the bathroom. He holds Jac's hair for her.

"You do that again Madani, and I'll castrate you okay?" She says, as she starts to heave.

Kian makes the 'yeah right' face, Jac pipes up "I can see you..."

She sits back against the toilet, and rubs her mouth.

"Hey, I can get you something for the sickness." Kian says, sitting beside her.

"I've been through a shooting, a breakdown, a motorbike crash and many other things." She starts "Do you think a bit of morning sickness, is going to stop me?"

"No, but I was just looking out for you." He says, as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"Well in the future, don't wave coffee in my face you moron."

"Okay, lesson learned."

She gets up and looks into the mirror, she looks extremely rough.

"Maybe you should take the day off?" Kian says, nervously as he didn't know how she was going to react.

"Mhm." Jac replies, turning to face him "You staying home?"

"I don't know." He smiles at her "Am I?"

"I think you are, Mr Madani." She smiles, as they passionately kiss.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Says a voice, as Harriet toddles in with her rabbit.

"Yes?" Jac says, breaking from the kiss and turning to look at her.

"What is that around your face?" Jac asks, bending down.

"Choccy!" Harriet replies, clearly excited.

Jac stands up and spins around to face Kian, "Did you give her chocolate?"

"Uh, no I didn't." Kian lies.

"Your nose twitched, you're lying." She says, crossing her arms.

"Okay okay!" He says "I gave her some, I thought it would keep her quiet for some time."

"Okay, you know what?" Jac says, clearly pissed off "I'm going to work."

"You're going to work, because I gave our daughter some chocolate?" He laughs.

"Yes, I am." Jac replies, starting to walk out of the door.

"Bye, baby!" She waves, at Harriet.

Kian picks Harriet up and smiles at her, "Suppose it's just me and you then, kid."

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