Chapter 26 - Life And Death

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Jac manages to wake up, and look around.

The car was crashed, and glass was thrown around everywhere.

She feels her stomach, and then brings her hand up to her face - blood.

Jac looks down and tries not to scream, her abdomen had been impaled by a large glass shard.

She looks down at the bloody site, her blood was everywhere - the shard had hit an artery, if she moved the glass she could bleed out in seconds.

Jac takes her phone out, and rings a number - she hopes he picks up, as this could be the last time they speak.

"Jac?" The voice says.

"Kian..." She says, clearly sleepily "I might die, so I need you to do... a favour for me."

"What do you mean you might die?" Kian asks, bewildered and concerned.

"I crashed and uh, I've been impaled." She replies.

"And I'm going to take the glass impaling me out, so I can get out of the car and help the other people. And I might bleed to death, so I'm going to keep pressure on the wound."

"No! Don't you take that glass out, Naylor." Kian says, demanding "Where are you?"

"I don't know, I can't remember!"

"It's okay, Jac stay calm."

"No it's not okay!" Jac says, starting to get stressed.

"I'm going to die, aren't I?"

"No, I promise you I'm not letting you."

"What happened?" He asks.

"I swerved to miss a cat, and crashed." She says, looking around "Do me a favour?"


"Tell the kids I love them, and that I'm sorry." She says, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"And I just wanted to let you know, that I love you."  She smiles "And the time I got to spend with you, was some of the best times of my life."

"And I'm really sorry, I didn't get to spend time as your wife." She smiles, more tears rolling down.

"I wish things were different." Jac says, looking down.

"Jac, whatever you're about to do. Do not do it! Do you hear me?!" He shouts, down the phone.

"Do you hear me?!" He says, frantically.

"I'm sorry..." Jac whispers back down the phone, as she pulls the glass out of her abdomen and screams.

She manages to open the car door, remove her seatbelt and crawl her way out.

Jac falls onto the floor, holding her abdomen trying to keep the bleeding at bay.

She staggers up, and walks over to the other car "Hello?!"

No response, she looks around but sees nothing.

She staggers closer to the car, and looks around.

That's when she spots it, an unconscious child.

"Oh God..." she says, to herself.

"Hello." Jac says, slowly touching the child's shoulder.

The child slowly opens her eyes, "Hi."

"I'm Jac, I'm a doctor." She says, "Are you hurting badly, anywhere?"

"No, I feel okay."

"Right well that's good, what's your name?" Jac asks.

"I'm Lilly."

"Right, Lilly I'm going to move you okay?" Jac says, opening the car door.

"I can't, my seatbelt is stuck." Lilly says, starting to panic.

"Shhh." Jac says "It's okay."

Jac undoes the seatbelt, and picks the girl up. She slowly puts her onto the ground.

"You're bleeding." Lilly says, looking at Jac's stomach.

"Yeah, I know." Jac says, reapplying pressure.

"I just need to check you over, is that okay?" Jac asks.

"Yeah, that's fine." Lilly smiles.

Jac checks the child over, and smiles "You just have a dislocated, shoulder."

"Does that hurt?" Lilly asks.

"Well I need to put it back in place, and that'll hurt." Jac sighs, trying to keep herself conscious.

"Don't do that." Lilly replies.

"I promise, I'll do the best I can, okay?"


"Talk about anything you like." She replies, taking hold of Lilly's shoulder.

"Dinosaurs and I also like to play doctor." She says, as Jac puts her shoulder back in place.

"Ow!" Lilly screams, as it goes back in place.

"There, done." Jac smiles, standing up and starting to feel dizzy.

"The people who were with you, where are they?" She asks.

"They ran off." Lilly replies "They weren't hurt."

"Was it your mummy or daddy, with you?" She asks, rubbing her head.

Lilly nods her head "Yeah."

"They didn't love me, do you have anyone who loves you?"

Jac smiles and bends down "Yeah, I do."

"And I let him get away, I let the man I love get away." She says, looking up to the sky for a second.

"I love him to the moon and back, but he doesn't know that.."

"Shouldn't you tell him?" Lilly asks, looking up at Jac.

"Okay right, well I'm going to call an ambulance okay?" Jac says, pulling her phone out of her pocket.

She calls the number, and waits for an operator to respond.

"Yeah, I need an ambulance please." She says "I think I'm on the main road, that takes you somewhere near Holby City Hospital."


She starts to get more shaky, and slumps onto the ground.

You have to tell him.

Let him say, goodbye.

You should of had forever, with that man.

But you don't.

And that man is everything to you, and you know it.

Her phone rings again this time it's Kian, "Jac? Are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here." She says, weakly.

"You aren't going to die, okay?" He says, trying to keep her awake "You tell me something, anything."

"Tell Harriet and Emma I love them, please." She says, getting weaker "And I love you too."

"No, you aren't dying."

"Yeah, I am." Jac replies, as her eyes start to close.

"Jac!" He shouts down the phone as he hears her breathing start to labour slowly, "No! You stay awake!"

"I'm sorry, I have to go." She says "I'm tired."

"No, don't you dare die on me!" Kian says, getting frantic.

"I love you..." She says, as her eyes close.

Kian sighs, as he doesn't hear her responding anymore - then he hears the ambulance in the background, he hopes they'll save her.

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