New beginning

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Before reading the story please must read this Note.

Really it's a new beginning for kaira as well as for me.🙂

You know it's my first story and I leave it unfinish for a year.Last year I have decided to republish the story and here now we reached a turning point on this story.

Yesterday I have done with the last reserved writing and from now on I have  to write a fresh chapter.So you have an great opportunity to tell about your desired scene.I will try to sketch out them.

Hope  all of you will be  part of kaira's next journey with me.

And I can't thank enough those who regularly support me, do votes for me from the very beginning to till now.

If you are reading this story do press the below star marks for votes.It's a treat to watch if you see your story on a good position.

Story so far

So it's has started after subham death.

Sawrna ma considered that naira was responsible for subham death and oust her form the house and that time Kartik Goenka was numb and silent.In short he left her for his Mom.😡😭

Naira never looked back to Goenkas and shifted to Mumbai with her papa and got admission into Mumbai Imperial College.(good decision)

With the passage of time their distance grew and they couldn't get back to their normal zone.Realtinoship between of these family was namesake though some person really wanted to everything should be get normal and perfect.

In this situation Manish gi deliberately sent Kartik to Mumbai.(but now manish gi😡😡)

And kartik who didn't know naira's whereabout bought same flat of the same apartment and destiny wanted to unite them and so kartik joined Imperial College as a professor.(love his look and attitude🥰)

With passage of time their heart melted and they again came close to each other but sawrna's sudden arrival destroyed everything.

She couldn't accept it and met with a serious accident.

In hospital kartik told his mom that she was mistaken and there was nothing between them.😡💔

So naira took a firm decision to divorce kartik for his happiness and never looked back to him though family members opposed except one and another was as usual numb.

But it has been said that love can't be hide and people who are sensible can understand this.🙂

The Honourable judge sense something and saw the spark of love between them and so he gave six month time to reconsider about their relationship status and asked them to live under the same roof.


Unwillingly and Unwantedly she had to go back goenka house and this time her welcomed in the house was not so pleasant.

She had a mixed feelings.

Always sweet memories of past haunted her and his condition wasn't so different.

He again got a reason of smile and to reason of going back home and he again became a homesick person and he tried to wrap up his work as soon as possible as he knew someone was waiting there for him.

Their love again blooms.🥰😍

They fight  and tease to each other.
They annoy each other for no reason.
They care for each other

But it's a reason of frown sawrna's face and who always reminded naira that she came here for a short period of time.😬

One day by defacto kaira was a hugging position and sawrna saw it and kartik left her and run after Sawrna ma to pacify her and it's broke her heart again.


Meantime, her semester final exam knocked at the door and she left for Mumbai without informing kartik.

When kartik came from office he got a great shock.It's shake his sensibility.The voidness shaked him to core.

So he took a decision for them.

He went to Mumbai so that he could win over his sherni's heart.

He joined as a full time professor and gave his hundred percent attention and concenteration  on his personal favourite student naira singhania.. Oops it would be naira goenka.🤭😚

He vowed to melt her heart and tried his best but it irked her.And so she decided to give back and all of a sudden she became extra sweet like him/kartik and tortured him lovingly.😛😋

After all it's mendak-sherni's story and it's bound to be happened.

Let's see what happens in near future.


So this is the nutshell of the story.Hope you now remember it and understand the main storyline.

Hope you like and enjoy their next journey too.

And as a writer I demand you guys if you read the story and follow it press the below * star sign for votes and do inline comments.

And if you find the story is boring plz don't read.

Any suggestions and criticism is appreciable as it helps a writer to grow.

But don't be silent.
It irks as well as hurts writer's feelings.

And complete the desired number of "Unwritten Love"

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